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I woke up bright and early the next morning, like I always do unfortunately

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I woke up bright and early the next morning, like I always do unfortunately. Being a morning person is great and all but sometimes I want to just sleep in and relax.

Today was not one of those days though. I needed to get Meoria up and take her by her school to pick up her school work before heading over to Bey's house so we could get her a tutor for the tour.

I decided on getting myself ready before going to wake her up. I took my time doing my skin and bath care before putting on my under garages and robe and venturing out of my room.

I walked a little ways down the hall until I came to the room Meoria was sleeping in. I knocked on the door lightly and waited a few seconds before cracking it open to see her still sleeping and  spread out in the bed.

I smiled lightly before walking in and sitting next to her. I began gently rubbing her back before speaking, trying to wake her up carefully so I didn't scare her.

"Meoria, it's time to get up sweetie." I said once she started stirring. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times before looking up at me with a tired smile.

"Morning Ms. Michelle." She said as she stretched out, being cautious not to accidentally hit me, before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"We got things to do today sweet pea. I'm gonna get started on breakfast while you get ready okay?" I said making her nod as she covered her mouth to yawn.

"Got it. Do you have a flat iron or something I can use for my hair?" She asked making me stand up from the bed.

"Yeah, I'll go get it for you. You need heat protectant?" I asked making her shake her head.

"Nah, I'm bout to throw on a wig." She said as she got out of the bed and stretched some more.

"Oh Lord, it's not a crazy color is it?" I asked playfully.

"Not today, maybe tomorrow." She responded cheekily which made me laugh as I left her room to get the flat iron from mine.

Once I had it I went back and gave it to her before heading downstairs and letting her get ready.

I went straight into the kitchen and the first thing I did was make a pot of coffee. While that was brewing I decided on make pancakes, eggs and bacon so I got all my ingredients and pans out before starting on the meal. It only took me about twenty minutes to make everything, while having my coffee of course, so once I was done I jogged back up the stairs to get dressed myself.

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