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"I can't believe you're about to dance for Beyoncé! Lucky bitch!" Samaria said as she helped me pack my last bag

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"I can't believe you're about to dance for Beyoncé! Lucky bitch!" Samaria said as she helped me pack my last bag.

"I'm not lucky, I'm blessed bitch. Get it right and give my God some credit." I said making her laugh and nudge my shoulder.

"The Lord knows my heart. I'm miss you Oreooo. You think they'd let me visit you?" She asked with a pout. Her eyes were starting to get watery so I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Of course they will, and if not I'll quit and come back. We locked in Mari, nothing's gonna change that." I said as she hugged me back tightly.

Samaria and I have been in this group home with each other since we were seven and ten. She's more than a friend, she's my little sister and throughout all these years we've never truly been apart.

As we were hugging my phone rang causing me to pull away and retrieve it from my back pocket. It was Beyoncé so I quickly answered it, still hanging on to Mari with my free arm.

"Hey, you guys here already?" I asked making her hum in response.

"Yep, we just pulled up outside. Michelle's about to come in and show them all the paperwork and sign you out." She replied making me sigh.

"Okay, I just need a few minutes to say bye to Mari." I said making Samaria squeeze me even tighter as she silently cried on my shoulder.

"Take your time sweetpea. We're not in a rush." She replied before bidding me goodbye and hanging up.

"It's okay Mari. I won't be gone forever, I'm coming back. I always come back don't I?" I said making her slowly nod.

"Exactly, nothing about this time is any different. We can facetime at night like we do every time I go and work somewhere. And I'll even ask about you coming to visit whenever we're in LA okay?" I said as we rocked back and forth.

"Okay." She said softly before a knock sounded on our door.

"Come in!" I called out, still not ready to let Samaria go.

"Meoria?" I heard behind me causing me to turn my head and come face to face with Michelle Williams.

"Hi, just give me a second please? She's like my little sister, we've never been apart for long and it's affecting her." I briefly explained making her nod.

"Take your time hun. And she can come visit whenever, the tour doesn't start until March." Michelle said with a light smile.

"See Mari. I told you she would let you visit. Now we can run around her house and singing all her songs." I said making Michelle and Samaria laugh.

"Okay, call me when you get there?" She said as she pulled away and wiped her face.

"Of course Pipsqueak. I love you kid." I said as I placed a kiss on the top of her head before letting her go.

"I love you too Oreo, see you soon." She said as I grabbed my bags and walked over to Michelle.

"Just call her when you're ready to come visit Sweetheart. I have plenty of space for you to come and stay." Michelle said making Mari smile and nod.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for allowing me to come over." Mari replied.

"Don't thank me honey. I know how important sisters are." She replied before waving goodbye and leading me out to the car.

She helped me put my bags in the trunk before tapping the window to have Beyoncé unlock the doors. I got in the back and put my seatbelt on with a wide smile.

"Ahh I'm in Beyoncé's car!!" I whisper screamed to myself making them laugh.

"It's actually a rental but it's the thought that counts." She said as she started the car.

"Either way, you're Beyoncé and I'm breathing the same air as you right now. A win is a win." I said making her laugh again.

"I can tell we're about to have fun on this tour. Anything you want to do first?" Michelle asked.

"Can we get something to eat? I'm starving." I said with a groan making them laugh.

"I'm serious! Someone ate my leftovers last night so I haven't eaten yet today." I said with a dramatic sigh as I laid across the back seats.

"Girl sit up! And where do you want to eat?" Michelle said with a laugh making me smile a sit up.

"I want a really good burger from somewhere. But not no Wendy's or nothing."

"You don't want a Fofafo?" Beyoncé asked jokingly making me laugh.

"No I don't want a Fofafo. I want like a cookout burger, like somebody uncle cooked it with his toes out kind of burger." I said, hearing them laugh at my description.

"I can call my chef and have him make it. I don't think we'll find any burger spots that'll have what you want." Bey said.

"Oouu first I'm in Beyoncé's car now I'm about to go to her house and eat?! I really am God's favorite." I said with a content sigh as I looked out the window.

"Whatever you say sweetie."

short and sweet
uncle waffles as Meoria

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