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After a few hours I decided it was time for Meoria and I to head back to my place so she could get settled in and get a good night's rest before we went up to her school and got her work for the remainder of her school year

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After a few hours I decided it was time for Meoria and I to head back to my place so she could get settled in and get a good night's rest before we went up to her school and got her work for the remainder of her school year.

She had somewhat gotten over her star stricken phase and was being more herself around Bey and I. On the way to my house we sang along to the songs that played on the radio while also getting to know each other better.

"You and Samaria are really close. How long have you two known each other?" I asked as we paused the music.

"Since I was ten and she was seven. We were placed in the group home on the same day and have stuck beside each other since then." She explained lightly with a smile.

"She's really like your little sister then huh?" I asked making her nod.

"Very much so. She has really bad separation anxiety when it comes to me being away for a long amount of time. This will be the longest time I've been away from her." She vented making me nod in understanding.

"Remind her that she's welcome to visit whenever she wants or needs to. I know how it feels to be separated from your family, related or chosen." I said as I pulled into my driveway.

I hit the button on my visor, opening the garage door before slowly pulling in and parking. I cut my engine and unlocked the doors, allowing Meoria to get out and get her bag while I dug through my purse for my house keys.

Once I found them I closed the garage door and got out of the car myself, going around and unlocking the door that connect my house to my garage.

"You can leave your shoes over there on the mat and I'll show you up to your room for the time being.I did a small bit of decorating but we can decorate it more if you want." I said as she slipped off her shoes and set them to the side.

"I'm a simple girl, however it's decorated now will be fine with me." She said as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder before following me up the stairs.

I decided on putting her in the guest room that was closest to mine. I opened the door and stepped to the side letting her walk in and look around.

"Oh yeah this is perfect already." She said as she set her bags on the floor to look around at the room in its entirety.

" She said as she set her bags on the floor to look around at the room in its entirety

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