Chapter 2

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Hot shot was in Cook Children's Hospital. He just found out he had a brain tumor on from an MRI. The doctors took it out to see what type of tumor it was. It was Medulloblastoma a type of brain tumor that is a grade 4 tumor. Meaning it was brain cancer. Hot shot was wondering many things. Why did he have to get a brain tumor, why did he have get cancer and was it his fault. He was wondering how long he was going to stay in the hospital. He was wondering how long it would be until he is better, and how long he was going to need treatment. He was wondering about cancer and more about it. He was wondering about cells and why they break or get ill. Why this had to happen to him? He was wondering is it normal to feel so many different big feelings. He was wondering what he did to get cancer if it was his fault. He was wondering why he felt so alone. He was wondering so many things it was making his head spin almost. 

He was trying to sleep but he recently got his Hickman line put in so his chest was sore. Hot shot was thinking and wondering about so many things. Along with the sore chest. Hot shot was cuddling with Roxy the rhino to try to sleep more comfortably. Hot shot was trying to rest as he thought of many things. He was having a headache too on top of all that. Hot shot thought since the tumor was like completely gone for what the doctors could see, but they did say there was possibility of more of it in there or places that it might have spread to and starting to grow there. It was a lot to take in. Hot shot was wondering why his head was hurting so much after surgery. He thought the surgery was to make the headaches go away not make more. 

Hot shot woke up and saw his mother. "My head hurts," Hot shot said.

"I know it does," Quickshadow said.

"I thought the surgery would make it go away not stay," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot I understand but you just had surgery and you need time to heal and soon it will feel better," Quickshadow told him.

"But it still hurts," Hot shot said.

"I know," Quickshadow said.

A nurse came in to check on Hot shot. "You seem to be doing okay," the nurse said.

"My head hurts," Hot shot said. "it is hard to sleep," he said.

"Would you like some pain killers so you can feel better so you can sleep?" the nurse said.

"Yes please," Hot shot said. 

"I will be right back," the nurse said. Then she left the room. Then she came back with some medicine. "Would you like to take it from a cup or syringe?" she asked.

"Syringe," Hot shot said.

Then the nurse fill the syringe with the medicine and handed it to Hot shot. "All you have to do is squirt it in your mouth," The nurse told him.

Hot shot did so and swallowed it. Hot shot then handed the syringe back. "That should do it," the nurse said. "Anything else?' she asked.

Hot shot's throat felt a pretty dry as did his mouth. He was so thirsty. "Can I have some water?" Hot shot asked.

"Of course, since there is no big surgery that is need of course you can have a cup of water," the nurse said. The nurse left the room and came back with a glass of water. "Here you go," she told him.

"Thank you," Hot shot said. He took a few sips and felt better. Hot shot placed the glass on the tray by his bed and laid back down. He cuddled with Roxy the rhino. He was fast asleep after that. 

Soon the sun began to rise over the clouds. It was morning and the sun's light was spilling through the windows of the children's hospital. Hot shot woke up and saw the sun was up. "Good morning mummy," Hot shot said.

"Good morning Hot shot," Quickshadow said.

A nurse came in to check on Hot shot.  She checked all of his vitals and then gave him his breakfast. Hot shot was able to chose what he wanted for breakfast. Hot shot ate up his breakfast.

Then the nurse came in with some medicine. "Here are your medicines Hot shot," the nurse said. "Would you like to take them with a syringe or a cup?" she asked.

"Syringe," Hot shot said. Hot shot was surprised there were quite a few there. He counted 4 there at least. 

"One these is for seizures, one is for helping with your headaches, one is for keeping away germs, and one is to help with the symptoms of your brain tumor," the nurse said as she was filling each syringe with a dose. "These are all liquid oral medication," she said. "That way you will find it easier to swallow," she said.

Hot shot saw the syringes were in front of him. The medicines were red, purple, white and pink. "Which one would you like to take first?" the nurse asked.

"I guess the pink," Hot shot said he grabbed the syringe and stuck in his mouth and squirted. Hot shot swallowed it. "Now the white," he said repeating the process. "Okay red," he said and repeated the process.

"Last but not least the purple," the nurse said. Hot shot did the same process and took the medicine. "Good job Hot shot," she said taking the syringes. 

Hot shot was taken to other parts of the hospital to get tests done. He was getting scans like an MRI but not only of his head but also of his back and body. They wanted to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else in the nervous system or body. It was to see if the tumor was starting to grow back or if there was any place in the brain it may have gone starting another tumor. They didn't see any so far but there was still a chance there might be one there later. They also did a PET scan to see what the cancer cells were doing and if they were traveling. Hot shot was told he was going to need several scans during treatment for these reasons every time they wanted to see if the tumor was coming back, or new tumors growing due to the cancer spreading other parts of the brain, spine, nervous system or the rest of the body. They were doing that to help him.

Hot shot was also getting another lumbar puncture. It was to check his cerebrospinal fluid. Hot shot didn't like that too much at all. It hurt and he didn't like it when it hurt.

Hot shot also got a check up from a few doctors to check on him. They wanted to make sure he was healthy enough to start treatment.

Hot shot was soon able to have lunch. Hot shot had Chic-fil-a for lunch and that made him very happy. Hot shot was even able to go to Zooti Frooti the froyo place there. Hot shot was very happy about that. 

Hot shot was soon back in his room. His mother got a call from some one. "Thank you so much and I am grateful for this, I hope to remain in contact with you and the families you help," Quickshadow said. "Bye," she said. "Hot shot I got into contact with the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, they help kids with brain tumors like you and their families. They help them with support, education, special events, and emergency relief funds to help in the hard times," she said. "The lady on the phone said you are now one of the pediatric brain tumor foundation's stars. That is what they call their children fighting a brain tumor," she said.

"Wow," Hot shot said.

"Here are the videos they made, these videos are for children," Quickshadow said. "You already watched two of them, the ones about MRIs and Surgery but they have other cancer related topics to help kids just like you," she told him.

"Wow," Hot shot said. Hot shot watched the videos about finding out about having cancer and what cancer is. Hot shot learned that his cancer wasn't his fault and it something that just happens to people and it happens to animals too. Hot shot learned he was strong and just had to listen to his doctors and he wasn't alone. Hot shot learned cells help him do everything and cells get made broken every once and while. His body can sometimes take care of the broke cells itself. However there are times when that doesn't happen. It said there were many different treatments for cancer and he was tough enough to handle it. Hot shot felt better after watching these videos. Hot shot loved seeing the imaginary friends in it, he found it to be relatable that way.

Hot shot was told by Dr. Zhao he was going to have his radiation simulation tomorrow. It was going to plan his radiation treatment and make his mask. Hot shot was curious and ready to do it. Hot shot was going to be brave and he hugged Roxy the rhino tight. "We are going to do this together Roxy," Hot shot said.

Cook Children's Brave Little Hot shot and BFFs, Stuffed animals Vs Brain TumorWhere stories live. Discover now