Chapter 7

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Hot shot woke up the next morning. Hot shot was going to get more chemotherapy. Hot shot was ready for it too. Hot shot watched as the same process that happened yesterday repeat itself today. Hot shot hated taking some of the oral medication. Hot shot didn't enjoy it too much. It was very yucky.

But Hot shot knew the medicine was to help. Hot shot had a Hickman line in his chest. It was to help give him, his chemotherapy.  Hot shot was getting used to the chemotherapy. It was going to take some time.

Hot shot felt pretty pretty tired during chemotherapy. Hot shot also felt sick to his stomach. Hot shot was not happy about feeling sick during this. Hot shot knew the medicine was to help but it wasn't pleasant to have. Hot shot felt very sick that night. Hot shot proceeded to vomit in a bucket. He felt very sick and didn't enjoy it. "I feel sick," Hot shot said.

"I know you do," Heatwave said. "Just take it easy son," he said rubbing his back.

Hot shot started to relax a little. Hot shot just felt very tired and sick. The nurse came in with some medicine to help Hot shot. "This will help with your nausea," the nurse told him.

Hot shot took the medicine. Hot shot also had other medication he needed. Hot shot had a lot of medication he needed to take. He hated that a lot.

Hot shot did things while he was getting chemotherapy over the next few days. Hot shot was enjoying himself. On Sunday Hot shot was able to start his week of rest. Hot shot was happy about that. Hot shot had been getting very sick most days. So his dietitian was decided to a feeding tube for him. They put a nasogastric tube up Hot shot's nose. Hot shot didn't like it going in but it wasn't so bad. Hot shot got to choose a very special sticker to help hold it in place. "There you go Hot shot now you can get more nutrition easily without worrying about getting sick." Dr. Waller said.

"It felt weird going in," Hot shot said.

"It does feel weird when goes in, but I have a feeling you will quickly get used to it," Dr. Waller told him.

"I like this special sticker holding it in place it has a cool pattern," Hot shot said.

"Those are special NG tube stickers to help make NG tubes more easy to wear and have," Dr. Waller said. "The sticker or tape will need to be changed to keep the area clean, it is very important," she told him. "There maybe a chance the NG tube won't go so well and you will have a g tube put in and you can have a special cap cover for it and to go around it and cushion it," she said. "For that one you will need a special surgery but for now let's see how the NG tube does," she said. Like she said Hot shot got used to it pretty quickly. He wasn't even noticing it. In fact, Hot shot didn't notice it only a couple of hours after getting it.

Hot shot was really looking forward to going home soon. Hot shot found the rest period at the hospital to be pretty boring. Hot shot didn't really enjoy it too much. Hot shot was wondering what to do a lot of the time. Hot shot found ways to entertain himself while in the hospital. He did many things while there.

He also got a bunch of tests and scans done during the rest period. Hot shot also played in the play room too. Hot shot liked going to the playroom and child life zone and playing with the other kids. Hot shot enjoyed seeing his doctors and nurses they were very nice. Hot shot was hoping to go home very soon. He was missing his room and bed. Hot shot got many presents while in the hospital. They were all from family and family friends.

Hot shot came home a week later. Hot shot still had to go back and forth to the hospital at times for scans, tests, and treatments. Hot felt like it was a lot. Hot shot sometimes went to infusion center for a treatment and then go home. But other times he had to stay overnight or a few days. Hot shot knew this was going to take a lot of getting used too. But he was getting used to it pretty quickly.

Hot shot was feeling the effects of the chemotherapy. He already felt very tired and sick to his stomach. He lost appetite too and that was one of reasons he had an ng tube. His hair was starting to fall out in clumps. Soon Hot shot was completely bald. Hot shot had no hair to speak of at the moment. Hot shot saw his hair was all gone. He had no eye brows or eyelashes either. Hot shot was expecting this to happen. So he didn't mind too much.

Hot shot was eager to try on all the hats his mother, granny and grandmum made him. There were all different colors and patterns. It was pretty cool to say the least. Hot shot put on one of the hats. Hot shot was happy to be wearing it. It was nice and soft to wear. It felt good on his bald head. Hot shot picked out the ones he liked best and set them aside to wear later.

Hot shot was able to do things still during treatment. He just had to be careful. Hot shot was able to do things other than go to the hospital with his parents. Lately they had been doing a lot of fun things. They had been doing things like go to the zoo and other fun stuff. Hot shot was happy to be spending a lot of time with his parents. His other family members were also coming around to spend time with him. Hot shot was very happy they were here to spend time with him. 

Hot shot was going to start Kindergarten soon along with his friends. But right now he was too sick to do so. So he was learning through a video to the classroom like his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge. They were all in the same class too. He was looking forward to coming into the classroom in person hopefully soon. But right now he had to wait a bit until his doctors said it was okay. Hot shot made new friends through video chat of his classroom and got to know his teacher.

Hot shot was still going to need treatment for a while. He was going to be brave and strong and face it head on. He was going to keep fighting his cancer and win.

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