Chapter 4

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Hot shot was in Cook Children's hospital getting treatment for cancer. The type of cancer he had was called Medulloblastoma. Which is a type of brain cancer. Hot shot was still wondering what treatment was going to be like. So that made him a little bit nervous. Hot shot was hoping everything was going to be alright.

Hot shot was soon going to start radiation treatment. Hot shot was a bit nervous about it to say the least. But he was ready for it too. Hot shot was determined to face this head on.

The nurse was checking Hot shot this morning. She took all of his vitals and made sure he was doing alright. Hot shot also had medication to take too. Hot shot didn't like that too much at all. "It is going to help in the long run," the nurse told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot then went to the radiology department. Hot shot was going to start radiation treatment today. Hot shot was a little nervous but ready for it too. Hot shot was busy waiting his turn. He found things to do while waiting for his turn. He played with the other kids there. Hot shot was hoping it was going to be done soon and it wouldn't hurt.

Then after a few minutes a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said. It was Hot shot's turn. Hot shot went back and the nurses checked his vitals. "Hot shot where are you going to get your radiation treatment?" a radiation therapist asked.

"To my head," Hot shot said.

"Us radiation therapist will ask this question every time for safety reasons," the radiation therapist told.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was soon in a big room. There he saw this really big machine. "This is the radiotherapy machine, it is what gives you, your radiation treatments," the radiation therapist said.

Hot shot climbed up on the bed. Then laid down. "Okay now ready for your mask?" the radiation therapist asked.

"Yes," Hot shot answered.

The radiation therapist placed on mask on and clipped it to the table. "Okay Hot shot do you want to hear stories or listen to music?" the radiation therapist said.

"Music," Hot shot said. "I would like to hear songs from Pokemon," he said.

"I think we have that mix," the radiation therapist said.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

Then they got the machine into position. "It might take a while to get the machine in the right position," the radiation therapist said. "The radiation treatment can taken anywhere from a few minutes to thirty minutes," he said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. The mask had a hole in the mouth area so Hot shot could talk.

"You will be alone in the room, but I will be in another room and I can see you, talk to you, and hear you, so there is nothing to be frightened of," the radiation therapist said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"There we go it is now in the right position," the radiation therapist said. The machined was in the right position. "Now I am going to leave the room, but remember what I told you okay?" he said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

The radiation therapist went into another room. Then the machine started up and music from the Pokemon TV series and movies began to play. Hot shot was relaxing as the machine did it's work. Hot shot stayed very still and focused on the music.

Hot shot heard the machine working. It was a whirring sound. There was a big of a bright light too. There was even a weird smell. Hot shot was wondering if that was normal. He thought of asking about that later.

Then after about 20 minutes it was over. The radiation therapist came in. "Okay Hot shot you are all done for today," the radiation therapist said. "You did really well," he told him.

"Thanks," Hot shot said. "Is it normal to hear a whirring noise, see bright light and smell something weird?" he asked.

"Yes that is normal some kids do noticed those things," the radiation therapist answered.

"Oh, okay," Hot shot said.

Then Hot shot came back to his mother. "That wasn't so bad," Hot shot told her.

"You are very brave Hot shot," Quickshadow told him. "I am so proud," she said.

"Thanks mummy," Hot shot said.

"You are a brave little boy," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot was able to rest after having his radiation therapy. Hot shot got a special sticker to put in a book a nurse gave him. Hot shot was very fond of the sticker it was really cool. He even got a bead too it was part of the beads of courage program.

Hot shot had his lunch after getting radiation therapy. He was happy to be having his lunch. Hot shot felt tired after radiation therapy. But he was reminded that it was normal. Hot shot was going to be getting radiation therapy everyday except Saturday and Sunday.

"I am wondering what else is going to happen while I am here at the hospital," Hot shot said.

"You are going to get scans, tests, blood transfusions, chemotherapy, check ups, taking other medicines, and sometimes even doing nothing," Quickshadow said. "It is going to be a lot," she told him.

"It does sound like a lot," Hot shot said. "Will I be able to go home soon?" he asked.

"I think Dr. Zhao will be able to answer that question," Quickshadow said.

"Will I be able to go home soon?" Hot shot asked.

"Well since you are doing so well you should be able to return home in few days, you only had surgery about 8 days ago, you will stay here for six more days," Dr. Zhao said. "But you will still have to come back for radiation therapy every day for six weeks," she told him.  "You will also have to come back for tests, scans, check ups and then once radiation therapy ends a break for a few weeks from treatment while getting some tests done, then start chemotherapy and have it every 3 weeks for 4-5 days," she said. "You will have chemotherapy for several months almost a year," she told him. "So you are in for a long road a head," she told him.

"I am going to do it and be brave and beat it," Hot shot said.

"That is a good attitude to have Hot shot," Dr. Zhao said.

"But there are times when I feel other things too," Hot shot said. "I feel sad, angry, confused, shocked, overwhelmed, numb and scared at times too," he said.

"Those are all perfectly normal feelings to have, especially when going through something like this," Dr. Zhao told him. "It is okay to feel that way too, there is nothing wrong with feeling that way," she said.

"I am looking forward to going back home," Hot shot said.

"I bet you are," Dr. Zhao said. "You just have to wait six more days and then you can go home." she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I know I have to come back a lot, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone here," he said.

"Whenever you come to visit it will either be a treatment day, or a check up day, or a test or scan day, or a combination of those things. You also might have to come to stay for a while." Dr. Zhao said. "You might even come for a very long extended stay or two that happens sometimes, but you will be able to make this place feel like home," she said. "Whenever that happens for a short or midterm or very long extend stay we will do our best to take good care of you and make you feel comfortable and safe here while having treatment it is our job," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Soon Hot shot went to bed. He was ready to continue his treatment and looking forward to returning home in a few days. He was going to fight his cancer and he was going to fight it hard.

Cook Children's Brave Little Hot shot and BFFs, Stuffed animals Vs Brain TumorWhere stories live. Discover now