Chapter 3

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Hot shot was in the hospital. Hot shot was going to soon start preparing for treatment to treat his Medulloblastoma. Hot shot was holding Roxy the rhino. He was sleeping and he woke up bright and early. Hot shot saw the nurse was there. "Good morning Hot shot," the nurse said. "How are you this morning?" she asked.

"I'm okay," Hot shot said. "My head still hurts a little sometimes," she said.

"That is normal," the nurse said. "You are still recovering from having surgery done to your brain," she said. She gave Hot shot a check over and then gave his medicine and breakfast. 

Dr. Zhao came into the room. "Good morning Hot shot," Dr. Zhao said. "How are you today?" she asked.

"I am okay," Hot shot said. "I have some questions," he said. 

"I will do my best to answer them," Dr. Zhao said.

"Why did a I get a brain tumor and cancer in the first place?" Hot shot asked.

"That is a good question," Dr. Zhao said. "But there is no good answer for it," she said. "We don't know why some kids get brain tumors or some other type of cancer, it just happens," she said. "You didn't catch it from anybody and no one else can catch it from you," she said. 

"Some times I wonder what I did to get cancer," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot it is not your fault, even if you did misbehave or did or said something wrong it wouldn't have caused the cancer," Dr. Zhao said. "Nothing anyone else did caused it either," she said. "It just happens," she said. 

"I watch a video of an imaginary friend that said that too," Hot shot said.

"I see you have been watching the imaginary friend society from the pediatric brain tumor foundation," Dr. Zhao said. "Those videos are very helpful to kids like you," she said.

"Is it normal to feel many different feelings at once?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes it is," Dr. Zhao said.

"I feel shocked, overwhelmed, confused, numb, angry, sad, and scared all at once," Hot shot said.

"Yes all of those feelings are normal ones to feel," Dr. Zhao said. "They are also completely fair feelings to feel too," she told him. "Many kids feel that way when they find out they have a brain tumor or cancer," she said. "In fact adults who find out they have a brain tumor or cancer feel the same way," she told him.

"They do?" Hot shot asked.

"Of course they do," Dr. Zhao said. 

"I am kind of scared and worried about treatment starting and preparing for it, is that normal too?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes it is very normal," Dr. Zhao said. "Many get nervous, scared and worried in the beginning  and eventually get used to it, but some it makes them nervous the whole time through, but other are ready to face it head on all the way through even though they are nervous because they are determined to do what needs to be done to get better," she said.

"I am ready to face it head on, even though I am kind of scared, I also want to learn more about my treatments and what may happen," Hot shot said.

"Many kids what to understand more of their treatment before and during treatment," Dr. Zhao  said. "It is normal," she told him.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was then take to the radiology center. The part he was in was for radiotherapy. Hot shot saw there were many kids there. Some were there to get a treatment. Others were there like him to get their simulation scan to get ready to start treatment. Hot shot saw his friends were there too. He waved at them. "Hi guys," Hot shot said.

Cook Children's Brave Little Hot shot and BFFs, Stuffed animals Vs Brain TumorWhere stories live. Discover now