🌟see you again⛓

620 9 3

scenario by me 💖

Scythe's tail lashed behind her. "When are we gonna get there?" she whined. Her hands were restrained by those pesky handcuffs, though she knew she could get out of them if she wanted.

The police officer guiding her wore a scowl. "Thought you were the most wanted criminal. Why so eager to go to jail?" If this demon wasn't being sarcastic, she didn't know what it was.

"You'll see!" She cooed as she waltzed ahead of them. Her heels tapped against the tile floor as she recognized the building. Just a bit further and then she could make a run for it..

They entered a large room, and as the guard turned their back, Scythe was off. Sprinting down the hall, she made a dead right turn towards a specific room.

The buzz of walkie talkies behind her made her chuckle. "She's running! Scythe is on the move! Get backup!"

A familiar set of doors was slowly approaching, and she pushed them open to reveal a small room. It had a desk, a bed, all the necessary furniture for a bedroom.

In the middle of the back wall, was a board with pictures of criminals, strings connecting them, like some cliche workshopping space. Standing in front of the board, was the warden, Banhammer.

Banhammer turned at the sound of the doors opening, and smiled. Scythe pushed herself further, closing the distance between them quickly.

Her hands were still stuck, so she merely rested her head on Banhammer's shoulder, much too close and comfortable than they should be.
"Banny! It's so great to see ya again."

Scythe felt Banhammer's arms wrap around her. "What did you get in for this time? I told you to stop doing bad things."

"Well, I'm still a wanted criminal. Just turned m'self in so I could see you!" She wrapped her tail around Banhammer's, fiddling with the handcuffs. She'd gotten out of them before, she could again.

"Scy, you really didn't have to do that. I could have taken a day off work to see you." Banhammer looked sort of remorseful, turning back to the board to continue his work.

"Ya know I get impatient." The cuffs hit the floor with a clink. Walking to Banhammer's side, she grabbed his hand and leaned against him. "Ehh, the guards are probably lookin' for me. I should get goin' before they walk right in."

Scythe turned to leave, but a gentle tug on her arm stopped her. "Just stay a little longer. They won't think to check in here."

Chuckling, Scythe turned back and grinned at Banhammer. "Ya don't want me to leave.. couldn't bear goin' a day without me! I guess I can stay a little longer.." She sighed dramatically, as if annoyed, but her tail was wagging back and forth quickly. It often betrayed her.

Watching him do his work, Scythe yawned. She didn't understand why he got so worked up about it. He got so worked up, in fact, that he held his head in his hands in defeat. "This just doesn't make sense.." he grumbled into his palms.

Scythe reached over and gave him a peck on the cheek. "What's up? Maybe I can be some help." Banhammer looked at her in exasperation. "You're really gonna tell me where all your coworkers are hiding out?"

"No," she replied, smiling innocently.
"Thought so." He nodded.

With that, a loud knock startled them out of their conversation. It came from the entrance to the room. Through the door, she could faintly see the guard that was following her. "Sorry, Banny. I'll be leaving now!" Dashing over to a window, she pushed it open with a small grunt.

Banhammer sighed, waving weakly. "Bye, Scy. See you sometime soon." Returning to the board, he sighed and stared at it for a while.

Scythe dissapeared out the window, running away into the Banlands. Another amazing escape for the desert outlaw!

...Now where's Broker's cell? She needs to get her partner in crime out of a box. Again.

673 words, kinda short sorry 💔

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