💌another time⛓

323 3 19

I thought of this originally for once ✨
So basically they're younger than they are in canon, about teen age or something. Maybe a little older. Cause. Yeah.

Scythe ran out into the front porch of her home, ignoring her mother calling her name behind her. Holding her hat in place so it wouldn't fall off, she weaved between taller demons and jumped through the canyon terrain. She knew exactly where she was headed. Today was the day she'd been waiting for!

After a while, she came across a group of Lost Temple demons forming a tight crowd that she couldn't quite see through. Thankfully, one of the demons on the other side was tall enough to see. Windforce, the deity of storms, stood at a whopping eight feet, her head towering above the rest of the people in front of her. Pushing two of the demons aside, she dashed forward towards the god.

Banhammer, Windforce's son, stood next to her awkwardly, but his face lit up when Scythe showed up. Scythe wrapped her arms around him in a hug, earning a quiet gasp from the others around them. "Hammer! Yer back!" She exclaimed. Her tail was practically a blur from how fast it was moving back and forth.

Banhammer giggled, and Scythe smiled even bigger somehow. "I told you I would come back. I was only gone for a month!" Scythe was pushed away by her shoulders, but she kept her hands firmly planted on his arms. "It was an agonizing month! I spent the whole time wishing ya'd come back sooner!"

"Is this why you begged me to stop by," another voice rang out overhead. "Is this girl? Is this the Scythe you've been telling me about?" Windforce had a smile on her face, raising an eyebrow in amused curiosity. Banhammer turned red under the blindfold. "Mommmaaa! Not noww..." He whined.

Scythe giggled uncontrollably. Aww.. Hammer talks about me? That's adorable! Grabbing Banhammer's hand, she ran off with him trailing behind her. "Cmon, cmon, cmon! Let's go inside!" The two ran ahead. Scythe heard Windforce, or at least what she assumed was Windforce, following them.

Scythe opened the door into the house, leading Banhammer to the couch. Windforce followed, and sat down in the dining room to chat with Scythe's mother. The two younger demons sat down on opposite ends of the couch. Scythe reached down and turned on the TV, watching in silence. Some show was on, showcasing the Phights going on and their highlights. Apparently there was some new up and coming Phighter named B. Zuka, but Scythe didn't care for that.

Occasionally she would glance at Banhammer, and scoot just a bit closer. She was hoping he didn't notice, since he seemed to be focused on the show. Eventually, Banhammer spoke up, and Scythe jumped a bit. "Do you wanna become a Phighter when you grow up? I totally do!" Scythe reached over and punched him lightly in the arm. "I dunno about me, but you should! Ya'd totally crush everyone!" Banhammer laughed, but then sulked. "I would love to, but when I get older I gotta go train to become a cop or something." Scythe frowned, and then scooted so they were sitting next to each other. Their hands were just barely touching.

"Well, no matter what ya end up doin', I'm sure you'll do awesome!" Scythe smiled at him, and he slowly reached out to hold her hand. Her heart beat just a bit faster in her chest as she closed the distance and leaned her head onto his shoulder. "I hope we're friends forever. No matter what happens," he said. Scythe sighed, squeezing his hand gently. "Yeah. Me too."


"Ya wanna have a sleepover?"

622 words! Still kinda short but I really like this one.

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