🌟road trip!🎭

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Plus medkit and broker. Came up with this one while playing drive cars down a hill with friends.

The car screeched to a halt. Before Medkit could even fully put it into park, Scythe had flung open the door and jumped out. She stretched out her limbs, and almost hopped over to the meeting spot.

Familiar purple horns caught her eye, and she rushed over. Banhammer turned around just as she got close, and he walked to meet her there.

Scythe grabbed his wrist, dragging him toward the car. "Alright! Remember the deal. Ya have fun and ya let us go free fer a while. If ya don't, put us in prison."

Banhammer followed behind, muttering remarks, but then clearing his throat. "Fine. Where am I sitting?"

Scythe pushed him into the back of the car. "Back here with me! Isn't that great, Banny?" Banhammer groaned and squished up against the other door. Anything to get as far from her as he can.

Ignoring his rude behavior, Scythe sits down in her seat and closes the door. She then scoots closer to the door as well. Even if they did have a truce, she didn't expect him to follow it.

Medkit turns on the car and it whirs to life, pulling out of the side of the road.


"Don't let Banny have em! He'll eat em all before I have any!" Scythe was practically climbing over the middle console, trying to reach the passenger seat and the bag of snacks Broker was holding. It was about lunchtime, and Scythe was starving.

"No I won't! I'm not even hungry!" Banhammer yelled back, crossing his arms. That was a lie. He is always hungry. He reached an arm forward and grabbed Scythe's horn, pulling her back by the head.

Scythe twisted around, biting his arm with a growl coming from her throat. "Jerk!" Banhammer pushed her back to her seat. "Don't bite me, you snake! Ugh!"

Medkit yelled back to them suddenly. "Stop arguing or none of you get any snacks!" His hands tightened their grip on the steering wheel.

All of them calmed down almost immediately, sitting in their seats in near silence. Broker handed over the bag of snacks. They ended up sharing it between the both of them.


It was nighttime now, and Scythe had taken off her hat and her scopes. Her head was resting on the window, staring out into the starry sky. Honestly, she had no clue where they were headed.

Banhammer's snoring had picked up again. He'd fallen asleep. Again. Scythe didn't mind the snoring. Broker snored as well, so she was used to it.

"Careful. Big turn up ahead." Medkit said to no one in particular. Scythe rolled her eyes, and went back to watching out the window.

Suddenly, she found herself pressed up against the car door. Must be the turn.

A low, sliding sound caught her attention, and she turned her head to see the warden slowly sliding across the seat towards her. She tried to push him away, but then his unconscious body was leaning up against her, and she just sighed.

She hated this as much as the next person, don't get her wrong, but something about it was kind of adorable. Her arm almost instinctively wrapped around his shoulders. She was starting to get tired as well. Oh well, she'd probably wake up before the meathead.

The last thing she saw before she fell asleep was Medkit staring at her from the corner of his eye.


The first thing Banhammer was able to feel was someone laying against him. He felt immediately at home, and nuzzled his forehead against the other demon - only to freeze when he felt cold metal brush against his cheek.

Scythe had in fact, not waken up before Banhammer. She was dead asleep, her head resting on his. Shooting his eyes open, he was greeted by the other prisoner practically in his face.

"Ya woke up!! Hi!! Why're ya getting cozy with my boss?!" The smile on his face was unsettling, and he was certainly not trying to keep his voice down. Medkit slapped Broker in the back of the head, but what was said was said. What was said was yelled, more like.

Scythe had begun to wake up, opening her own eyes. Banhammer quickly sat upright, scooting over to his side of the car. He looked out the window, like he could almost feel his face getting red.

What the hell??? How did he get over there??? Whatever. They'd all forget it soon.

"Home stretch. Just two hours to go," called Medkit's voice from the front seat. Banhammer sighed, and leaned back on the headrest. Just two more hours.

Honestly, it wasn't unbearable, the whole ride. Broker had creeped him out the entire time, but that's besides the point. Maybe he would have a good time from here on out after all.

And then they go home and banhammer falls over as he's getting out of the car lmao.

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