🌟child part 2⛓

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They found a child PART 2. Pt 2 requested by haha_shipsgobrr eat up.

They were going home. To who's home, who knows. Probably to Banlands. Knife was sitting on Banhammer's shoulders. He was strong enough to keep them there with only one arm. Knife was yapping away about what they'd seen. Scythe walked beside them, keeping a close eye on the kid.

"And one time I was playing in the city and I saw uhh. This guy. He was uhh... I dunno! Anyway..." Scythe laughed, glancing around to the streets they were walking in. "That's cool, buddy!"

She stepped just a bit closer, whispering to Banhammer. "So wait, where are we takin 'im? It's gettin dark." Banhammer grumbled. "I'm taking them to Banlands. It's a lot safer there than at your "organization"." Scythe frowned, but then stepped away again.

And grabbed his hand. Scythe could feel him tense up for a moment, but smiled and interlocked their fingers. After a moment, they both fell into a sort of rhythm of swinging their hands. Scythe hated how much she liked this. She wished she could just stop her face from doing anything. This is just a temporary thing!

But then Banhammer looked at her, and it felt like everything was crumbling. She looked away. She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back. Overseer, help me...


What felt like only moments had passed, and before she could realize it, they were at Banlands. Scythe saw the entrance, grimaced, and turned to leave. But that kid, that damned kid's voice spoke again.

"Mama? Where are you going?"

Scythe didn't have the guts to leave at this point. She took a deep breath, turned back around, and replied. "Nowhere yet. I've just gotta drop you off and then head to work."

Banhammer slowly let the kid down, giving them a quick briefing on what to expect. "It's super hot in there. Lava and rocks and guards and criminals. Don't worry, I won't let any of them hurt you. I'll take you to the guest room, and then try to contact... your parents."

And then Knife reached out a hand to Scythe. At this point, she had a decision. Wave goodbye and run off, risking the kid crying and her feeling guilty. The other option was far less favorable. Walk into Banlands, in the very place she had been avoiding, most likely right next to the one person who could end her entire career.

Screw it.

Scythe walked forward, patting Knife on the head, and then holding her hand out to Banhammer. Looking straight at him, she whispered. "Truce?"

Banhammer whispered back, albeit without making eye contact. "Truce." This was enough for Scythe, and she took his hand in hers. They walked into Banlands, Scythe silently praying to every god she knew that this would go well.

Knife walked right in front of them, marveling at all the sights, and sometimes even waving at the jailed inmates. Scythe spent most of the time staring at the floor.

She was already used to how their hands felt together. It was almost natural. Scythe found that a bit unsettling, but no matter what she didn't let go. If anything, she held tighter.

The path to the guest room wasn't far, but with every step she could feel eyes staring into her back. No doubt Broker and the rest of the Church would hear about this before she could even return home.

The brimstone rock slowly turned into smooth concrete, and she knew they were at the room. Looking up, she watched Banhammer walk ahead of her and open the door for Knife.

They walked in, and Scythe started slowly backing away. She curled her hand into a fist. It felt cold already. Her slow steps slowly turned into a run, as she saw Banhammer leaving the room.

One last thing before I leave. She turned around, facing Banhammer as he just stared. Scythe cupped her hands around her mouth. "Bye, honey!"

That got him riled up, as he started sprinting after her. Scythe cackled and bolted out the door. Making a sharp turn, she ducked away towards Lost Temple.

And then Scythe got to thinking. If that kid thinks I'm his mom, am I gonna have to come back every day until we find his real parents?? That stressed her out a bit. Just that interaction with the warden was enough to make her heartrate spike. Even more? She just might have a heart attack.

But that's a thought for another day. Right now, she needed to get home before momma's boy caught up.



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