
408 6 7

requested by haha_shipsgobrr
this one's really short 😭 😭 😭 my bad

Banhammer sat at his desk, late into the evening. He was staring at papers, trying to piece together evidence and accusations. Robberies, murders, gear theft, assault... all too much for him to handle alone! He dropped his head onto the table with a groan.

Just as he was about to start working again, someone tapped on his shoulder. He jumped in surprise. Looking up, he recognized Scythe and smiled. "What do you need? I'm a bit busy."

Scythe gestured outside of the room. "Ya need to rest. Ya've been workin all day." Her hand rested on his shoulder.

Pushing himself up and fixing his posture, he shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I'm not tired." On the contrary, his eyelids drooped.

Scythe held his hands and gently lifted him to his feet. He followed along drowsily, accepting the fact that maybe he does need sleep.

His feet followed on their own, across the room to his bed. "You're too nice to me. You don't need to be looking after me like this."

Laying down in the bed, he pulled the covers over himself. Scythe walked to the other side of the room, turning back to look at him as she cleaned his papers into a neat stack. "But I want to!" her tail wagged back and forth slowly as she spoke. "And if I don't take care of ya, who will? You definitely won't."

Nodding, he laughed. "I can get better at it. I'm trying, yknow?" Rolling over to face away from the wall, he lifted the blanket. "Scy, cmon. If I'm not allowed to work myself, neither are you."

Scythe stopped what she was doing, taking a hair tie out of her hair and walking to the bed. "If ya wanna cuddle, ya could just say so, sweetheart." She crawled into bed, and he wrapped his arms around her. Despite her prosthetic arm being metal, she was still warm, at least to him.

He leaned his head forward, and touched their foreheads together. "I don't need to. You know me too well." He felt Scythe hold on to his shoulders, and he sighed, closing his eyes. He fell asleep almost immediately. Suppose he really did need to take a break.

It was safe to take a break around Scythe, though, because he knew he would wake up next to her, safe and happy. Like he always did.

410 words,, shorter than the last one 💔 here's ur fluff tho

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