Sometimes I ask myself:
do people like me or do they like my appearance?
There are people who take their time and experience beautiful moments and there are people who just run through their lives and don't really notice anything.
I feel forgotten. I was cut out of a phase of my life as if I had never existed. As if every 4 years had not been. As if none of the things we experienced together had happened.
Sometimes life is just completely twisted. You don't know where up and where down is. You don't know if you're moving forward or going on the spot. Maybe you'll run the whole shitty way back. You don't know.
Thoughts in my head
RastgeleHier schreibe ich ein paar Sprüche auf. Ich schreibe ausschließlich auf englisch und würde mich bei Fehlern über Verbesserungen freuen. Viel Spaß beim lesen.