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 It's been about a month since and Meech decided to give things another shot

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It's been about a month since and Meech decided to give things another shot. And let me tell you, it's been a real roller coaster ride. At first, everything was all sweet and smooth, like caramel on a Sunday morning. Meech was all about showering me with attention, buying me gifts, and all that but at the same time he was possessive and jealous of everything.

Despite the ups and downs, Mariah found herself curled up in Meech's bed. But just as they began to settle into a sense of peace, a sudden interruption shattered the tranquility.

Meech's phone rang, Mariah watched as his expression shifted from relaxed to tense, a frown forming on his brow as he answered the call.

"Hello?" Meech's voice was clipped, his tone hinting annoyance.

Mariah couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the line, but she could sense the tension radiating from Meech as he listened intently to the caller's words. And then, without warning, his face darkened with anger.

"What? " Meech snapped, his voice rising in frustration.

" That's shit not real bitch " Meech's voice was heard all over the apartment.

" I'm on my way, "Meech's words hung in the air like a heavyweight, sending a shiver of unease down Mariah's spine. She watched as he hurriedly rose from the bed, his movements quick and determined as he reached for his keys.

With a sense of urgency, Meech snatched his keys from the dresser, the jangle of metal echoing in the tense silence of the room. His fingers trembled slightly as he fumbled with the keychain, his frustration evident in the way he gripped them tightly in his hand.

As he turned towards the door, Mariah couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment and resentment.

Before she could voice her concerns, Meech turned back towards her, his eyes softened with regret. With a gentle touch, he cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing against her skin in a tender caress.

"I'll be back," Meech muttered, his voice strained with urgency. "Don't wait up for me."

Meech POV

Meech gripped the steering wheel with white-knuckled intensity as he navigated the familiar streets toward his ex-girlfriend Summer's house. His mind raced with a ton of conflicting emotions.

He knew he shouldn't be going to see her, shouldn't be putting himself in a situation that would only lead to trouble. But a gnawing sense of dread gnawed at his gut, propelling him forward with a sense of inevitability.

As he pulled up outside Summer's house. He climbed out of the car, his movements slow and deliberate. Summer greeted him at the door, her expression unreadable. Meech braced himself for the confrontation that he knew was coming.

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