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"This is crazy, I can't believe I have forty-five thousand followers on Instagram," Mariah exclaimed excitedly as she chatted with her sister Tasha while making her way to school. It was her final week in medical school, and she was on the verge of achieving her dream of becoming a nurse.

Tasha's voice crackled over the phone as she responded, her excitement mirroring Mariyah's. "Girl, you deserve it! You've worked so hard for this," she exclaimed, her pride evident in her tone. "I can't wait to see all the amazing things you're gonna do as a nurse."

"Hey, Tash, hold on ," Mariah said, her excitement momentarily interrupted by the buzzing of her phone. She glanced down at the screen and saw Meech's name flashing across it. "It's Meech calling me."

Tasha's voice came through the phone, tinged with curiosity. "Oh, girl, you better answer that! What's he gotta say?" she exclaimed

Mariah hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts of their recent argument. But despite their disagreements, a part of her still longed to hear his voice.

"I'll call you back after I talk to him," Mariah promised, her thumb hovering over the answer button. With a deep breath, she pressed it, steeling herself for whatever conversation awaited her on the other end of the line.

Meech's voice filled her ear, and Mariah felt her cheeks flush with warmth. "Wsp ma, I missed you," he said, his words instantly making her blush.

"Hey, Meech," Mariah replied, her own voice tinged with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Despite their recent argument, a part of her couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him.

Meech's voice softened on the other end of the line. 

"I know you're still mad over the pizza, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry," he continued his tone earnest. "I hate the thought of us arguing baby, especially when you're about to graduate."

Mariah's heart melted at his apology, her resolve softening as she listened to him speak. "I'm sorry too, Meech," she admitted, her voice filled with sincerity. "I don't want us to fight either, especially not now. This is a big week for me."

"So what timed you finishing school today i wanna take you shopping and to eat. I know you been busy lately mama" Meech's offer caught Mariah by surprise, a faint smile playing on her lips despite herself. She appreciated his effort to make things right, even if it was in his own unique way.

"I finish around 3 PM," Mariah replied, her voice softening with gratitude. "And shopping sounds nice, bby. Thank you."

Meech's voice was warm with affection as he responded,

 "Anything for you, baby. I'll pick you up at 3 PM sharp, alright? Get ready for a day of spoiling."

"Sounds good, Meech," Mariah said, her heart swelling with hope. "I'll see you at 3 PM. Love you."

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