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It has been a week since Meech and Mariyah made it back from their trip to St Lucia

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It has been a week since Meech and Mariyah made it back from their trip to St Lucia. Everything was going well she got back to going to school and working her part-time job at an ice cream shop, she kept in contact with Meech and occasionally went to stay at his house. He was doing better.

It was Friday and Mariyah had plans to go on a date with Meech, he had told her to get ready and he was gonna pick her up for dinner at seven. It was currently 6:30 and Mariah was finishing so touches to her makeup she was gonna watch some TV while she waited for Meech to come but that never happened.

Meech never came and she fell asleep on her couch after a couple of hours she heard some banging coming from her door so she got up and went to see who was it. There he was with flowers and a couple of bags. So she decided to open the door and see what he had to say. 

"What do you want Meech " 

"I'm sorry Riah I was caught doing some stuff for work and I lost track of time fr, it won't happen again, ma " Meech's expression was pained as he looked at her, the guilt written all over his face.

" I guess come on I have school in the morning" She expressed opening the door more wide so he could come inside.

Mariah walked to her room with Meech following her being, grabbing some Pjs and going to the bathroom to change. A couple minutes later she got changed and went to the room spooting Meech on the left side of the bed with some pj pants he had left from the last time he was over. She walked to the bed laid her head down and just fell to sleep.

The next morning she woke up and got ready for her lecture, Meech was still asleep so she left him a note saying that she had school she would be back in the hour, and that he left some breakfast for him in the microwave.

University of Chicago

As Mariah sat in her anatomy lecture, her mind was filled with thoughts of Meech and the events of the previous night. Despite her best efforts to focus on the lesson, her attention kept drifting, her heart heavy with uncertainty.

She listened intently as the professor lectured about the intricate workings of the human body, her passion for medicine reigniting with each passing minute. Mariah had always dreamed of becoming a surgeon, and she poured herself into her studies.

But as the lecture drew to a close and Mariah made her way to her car, Pulling out her phone, she saw a text from her best friend des.

                                                                                         Dessy pooh 💕


yesss ??

Look at the shade room bitch 😒

you better slap that nigga 


She opened the phone and the shade room had posted a video of Meech and Lala at the club last night, Everything started to add up why Meech didn't show up to pick her up and why he smelled like female perfume.

She drove to her apartment in midtown Chicago, she was burning in anger why would he post her and then turn around and do all that? He even made the relationship public and a big deal when they were in St Lucia.

She entered the apartment and saw that the food was still there so she realized that he wasn't even awake. Walking into her room where he was sleeping peacefully, Mariah didn't know how to feel what was the point of him making the relationship public?

"Wtf, Meech, get up!" Mariah's voice was sharp, her anger bubbling to the surface as she stood over him, her fists clenched at her sides.

Meech stirred from his sleep, his eyes blinking open in confusion as he looked up at Mariah. "Riah, what's wrong?" he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Are you serious right now?" Mariah's voice rose with each word, her frustration boiling over. 

"You stood me up last night, and then I found out you were at the club with Lala? What the hell, Meech?"

Meech's eyes widened in alarm as he realized the gravity of the situation. 

"Wait, Riah, it's not what you think," he began, reaching out to grab her hand. "Let me explain."

But Mariah pulled away, her anger burning bright in her chest. "Explain? What is there to explain, Meech?" she spat. "You made us public, you made promises, and then you go and do this behind my back?"

Meech's expression fell as he realized the depth of Mariah's hurt.

 "I messed up, Riah. I know I did," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "But please, let me make it right. I love you, Mariah, and I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."

But Mariah was done listening to his excuses. With a heavy heart, she turned away from him, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. 

"I can't do this, Meech," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I deserve better than this."

"Mariah it's not even like that you know I fuck with you, I made a mistake my bad, ma but it won't happen again. Meech's voice was heard.

"It's too late you should've thought of that yesterday, you can close the door when you leave too," Mariah said walking to her kitchen.

Twenty minutes later After Meech left Mariah found herself sitting on her couch watching To All the Boys I Loved Before and eating ice cream. She was indeed upset but mostly she was embarrassed, the whole world knew that she got cheated on or whatever and she didn't like that.

She heard her phone buzz and assumed it was Meech but she decided to look at it. It could be Des or her sister but it was an unknown number. 

+1 (678) 677-0987 

u good I saw what had happened. 

yea Im good, who you is thou


oh, how did you get my number? 


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