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2:33 PM

A week had passed since Meech and Mariah landed on the shores of St. Lucia, and the days had been a roller coaster of emotions. Mariyah started noticing parents in Meech's behavior, he would be lovely and a couple of hours later they would argue over something dumb.

Meech was used to getting everything he wanted at any time, and having Mariah around was making him go insane, she wasn't the type of girl to just do anything he would say just because. She was logical and wasn't desperate for his attention or money.  

" Mariah it's time to go to the beach come on" Meech's voice broke through her thoughts, his impatience evident in the way he tugged at her arm.

"Give me a minute Meech, I just need to find my sandals" Mariah screamed from the room. 

After 10 minutes Mariah and Meech were on the way to Marigot Bay Beach with the rest of the bmf cast. They were there for a vacation and break from filming since the second season was almost over filming.

She lay down on the beach bed as she watched Meech speak to his coworkers. It had been an hour and she was kinda ready to go back to the hotel and sleep, the past couple of days were so busy. They did thousands of things and went shopping thousands of times she was gonna come back home with so many things. 

As Mariah lounged on a beach bed, soaking in the sun's warm rays, she couldn't help but notice the arrival of a handsome stranger. His chiseled features and easy smile drew her gaze like a magnet, and she found herself stealing glances in his direction whenever she thought he wasn't looking.

Davinci, with his sun-kissed skin and effortless charm, sauntered over to Mariah's beach bed, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

 "Hey there," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "Mind if I borrow some sunscreen? Looks like I forgot mine at the hotel."

"Yeah sure" Mariah grinned. 

I'm Davinci, by the way. And you are?" he said, his fingers brushing against hers as he reached for the bottle of sunscreen. 

 "I'm Mariah," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Nice to meet you, Davinci."

Time passed by and Mariah was enjoying Davinci's company a little too much, they had so much in common. He was sweet and smart she liked that, it was easy to have a conversation with him and she was enjoying it.

As Mariah and Davinci chatted on the beach, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves, Meech loud steps were heard.

"Hey, Mariah," Meech's voice cut through their conversation, his tone sharp with irritation. "I think it's time we go back to the hotel."

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