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"No, I'm good Davinci I'm just tired " Mariyah let out as she sat next to DaVinci 

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"No, I'm good Davinci I'm just tired " Mariyah let out as she sat next to DaVinci 

as Mariyah sank into the couch beside Davinci, she couldn't shake the heaviness that weighed on her heart. Despite his efforts to cheer her up, she still felt a deep sense of sadness lingering within her.

Davinci glanced over at Mariyah, concern etched into his features. 

"You sure you're okay, Mariyah?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Mariyah forced a weak smile, trying to reassure him.

 "Yeah, I'm good, Davinci," she replied, her voice betraying her true feelings. "Just tired, you know?"

But Davinci wasn't convinced. He could see the pain hidden behind Mariyah's smile, the sadness in her eyes. He wanted to reach out to her, to offer her comfort and support, but he knew that sometimes, the best thing he could do was be there for her.

"I'm here if you need to talk, riyah," Davinci said quietly, his tone gentle. 

"You don't have to pretend to be okay if you're not."

Mariyah felt a lump form in her throat at Davinci's words, his kindness was touching her deeply. 

"I appreciate that, Davinci," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"But I don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet."

Davinci nodded understandingly, his gaze filled with compassion. 

"That's okay, Mariyah," he said, reaching out to squeeze her hand reassuringly. "Just know that I'm here for you whenever you're ready."

Mariyah managed a small nod in response, grateful for Davinci's. Despite being one of Meech's friends.

As they sat together in silence, the weight of Mariyah's sadness seemed to lift ever so slightly, replaced by a sense of comfort and warmth in Davinci's company. He was pretty nice and calm a down-to-earth person.

"Riah come on hurry up, I want some ice cream" DaVinci's voice was heard from the couch as he waited for Mariah to finish her makeup she wanted to go eat ice cream and walk around the park as a way to take her mind off the embarrassment she had to put up with.

"Alright, alright, I'm almost done, hold your horses!" 

Mariah called back, her voice tinged with amusement as she applied the final touches to her makeup. Despite her lingering embarrassment, she couldn't help but smile at Davinci's impatience.

As she stepped out of her bedroom, Davinci's eyes lit up at the sight of her.

 "Damn, Riah, you look fly!" he exclaimed, giving her a playful wink.

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