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"Riah, you good?" Meech called out from the other side of the bathroom door, concern evident in his voice as he heard Mariah throwing up. He paced back and forth, glancing at his watch. It was Sunday, and he was hosting a club night at the club where she worked.

"Riah, you ready? I'm ready to go," he repeated, his tone a mix of impatience and worry. He couldn't afford to be late, but he was more concerned about Mariah's well-being.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Mariah stepped out, looking pale and exhausted. She wiped her mouth with a damp towel and tried to muster a weak smile

. "Yeah, I'm good. Just feeling a bit off."

Meech frowned, stepping closer to her. 

"You sure you wanna come tonight? You don't look too good, baby."

Mariah nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine, Meech. I'll be alright. Let's just get going."

Meech studied her for a moment, not entirely convinced but knowing better than to argue. "Aight, but if you feel worse, we're leaving."

They made their way to the car, and the ride to the club was mostly silent, the tension palpable. Meech kept glancing over at Mariah, his mind racing with worry. He parked the car and turned to her. "If you need anything, just let me know, okay?"

Mariah nodded, her expression softening. "Thanks, Meech. I'll be fine."

As they walked into the club, the  music and vibrant lights greeted them Meech was quickly surrounded by his crew, but his eyes never strayed far from Mariah. She tried to shake off the lingering nausea and put on a brave face, greeting her coworkers and settling into her role for the night.

But as the night went on, Meech couldn't help but notice Mariah's discomfort. She was quieter than usual, her movements slower. When she stepped away to get some fresh air, he followed her outside.

"Riah, what's going on?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. "You don't look like yourself tonight."

Mariah sighed, leaning against the cool brick wall of the club. "I don't know, Meech. I just feel... off. Maybe it's just stress or something."

Meech reached out and gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing against her cheek.

 "You mean more to me than this club night. We can leave right now if you need to go home and rest."

" I'm fine meech, I'll just go to the bathroom" Mariah explained as she was getting up.

 Mariah emerged from the bathroom, she accidentally bumped into a tall, light-skinned man with chiseled features. His skin had a warm, caramel tone that seemed to glow under the club's lights. His eyes were a captivating shade of hazel, and his high cheekbones and strong jawline gave him an air of confidence. He had neatly groomed facial hair.

He wore a crisp white shirt that clung to his muscular frame, tucked into a pair of tailored dark jeans. A gold chain glinted around his neck, and his sneakers were pristine, completing his effortlessly stylish look.

"Oh, my bad," he said, flashing a charming smile that revealed perfectly aligned teeth. "You alright?"

Mariah looked up, momentarily taken aback by his striking appearance. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry about that," she replied, her voice slightly flustered.

"Don't worry about it," he said smoothly, his eyes lingering on her face. "Name's Jordan, by the way. What's yours?"

"Mariah," she replied, returning his smile with a shy one of her own.

"Nice to meet you, Mariah," Jordan said, his tone friendly and inviting. "You here with friends or just hanging out?"

"I'm here with my boyfriend," Mariah answered, glancing around the club. "He's hosting tonight."

" So you meech girl, if you ever get tired of him holla at me. 

Jordan nodded, seeming unfazed. 

Mariah laughed softly, feeling a bit more at ease. "sure"

Mariah watched him go, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. As she made her way back to the main area of the club, she couldn't help but feel a small flutter of excitement from the encounter. However, she quickly pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself of Meech.

Back in the crowd, Meech was still surrounded by his crew, but his eyes were scanning the room for Mariah. When he spotted her, he waved her over, a relieved smile on his face. Mariah took a deep breath, straightened her posture, and walked over to him.

After a while, Mariah made her way back to Meech's section.The VIP area was buzzing with people, music pounding through the speakers as the night progressed. Meech was deep in conversation with some friends, but his eyes tracked Mariah's every move.

As Mariah approached, she spotted DaVinci across the room, standing with a few other people. They locked eyes, and he gave her a friendly nod and a small wave. Feeling the need to talk to him, she started to move in his direction.

"Where you going?" Meech's voice cut through the noise as he grabbed her arm, pulling her back towards him. His grip was firm but not painful, yet the intensity in his eyes was unmistakable.

"I'm just going to talk to DaVinci," Mariah said, trying to keep her tone casual despite the tension she felt. "I haven't seen him in a while."

Meech tightened his grip slightly, his expression hardening. "Don't try me, Riah. Stay here. You ain't got nothing to say to him that can't wait."

This nigga must think he my daddy or some.

Mariah felt a surge of frustration. "Meech, he's my friend. We need to talk about some stuff. It's not like that."

Meech leaned in closer, his voice low but intense. "I said, don't try me. I ain't playing. You stay right here with me."

She could feel the eyes of people around them, sensing the brewing conflict. Mariah took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. 

"Meech, this is ridiculous. You can't keep me from talking to my friends."

"Riah, I just don't trust him around you. I know how he looks at you. Just stay, alright?" Meech stated, his eyes daring her to try him.

Mariah sighed, her frustration bubbling beneath the surface. She knew there was no winning this argument tonight. With a resigned wave in DaVinci's direction, she turned back to Meech. 

Meech finally let go of her arm, his face relaxing into a small smile. "Alright, baby. Later." He pulled her into a brief hug, as if to show everyone around that things were settled, at least for now.

Mariah couldn't shake off the feeling of being controlled, and as she stood there next to Meech, her mind kept drifting back to DaVinci and the growing complexities of her relationship with Meech. The night went on, but the tension between them remained, a silent undercurrent that neither could ignore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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