Damon x reader pt. 2

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I headed through the library, staring around in awe. I loved reading, it was one of my favorite pastimes and the Salvatore library and the Mikelson libraries were often frequented by my presence. Both the Mikelson compounds in Mystic Falls and New Orleans. Marcel and Alaric both also had good collections of books. Along with the founding families of Mystic Falls.

"This is. . ." I was spinning in circles, taking in every aisle of books I could see. The room extended in both directions farther than I could see and was filled with people. Except, because of the size, it seemed almost empty.

The ceiling was low, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with bright lighting. The floor was made of polished oak wood which complimented the Spruce bookshelves.

The books were organized by genre, signs nailed onto the ends of each bookcase stating the genre of the section. The rows seemed to go back rather far, sometimes even turning corners and becoming a maze of books for genres.

With Damon's help, the mystical creatures section was found and it was also found that all of the people were in this section, or at the tables in the middle of the library studying.

Damon and I gathered up several different books of various topics before we decided to move somewhere more private.

Roaming the library, I found that there was a set of double doors at the end of the right side of the room. But when I tried to open them, I found they were locked. However, I could hear the quiet murmurs of people talking behind the doors, accompanied by the occasional laugh.

"Come on, let's find someplace to settle down." Damon mentioned, his arms laden with eight books. I hurried behind him as fast as my legs could carry me, burdened with at least five books.

We found a private, quiet corner not far from the strange double doors in the Ancient Roman section. It was in a maze like corner and completely secluded.

We sat down next to each other. I fold my legs underneath me while he stretched his legs out so his feet were pressed up against the opposite bookcase. He lounged lazily with his book while I studied my studiously, my head bent over the open book in my lap.

The book I was reading was strangely familiar in characteristics, almost identical to what I had learned about Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches in my time with the Originals and the Salvatore's.

It mentioned vervain and wooden stakes. It mentioned full moons and curses. It even mentioned daylight rings and magical devices that could stake out vampires. It made me nervous reading it and I nudged Damon.


He quickly spun his head. I only called him that when I was truly scared. I hadn't meant to call him that because it didn't seem like a really bad thing, but it had slipped.

"What's wrong Y/N?"

I showed him the book. "Look how descriptive this is. There's no way that the person who wrote this wasn't either a vampire, werewolf, or witch, or knew of them!"

"But what's so scary about that?" Damon asked. "If humans don't believe in this stuff, it would be smart for a vampire, werewolf, or witch to write a book on it. They'd make a lot of money. Heck, I could write about the adventures that we've been on and it would be put down as fiction!"

I breathed in deeply and smiled at him, relaxing my shoulders, "Yeah, yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm freaking out over this."

Damon put an arm around my shoulder and I nearly stopped breathing but quickly forced my attention back to the book. I decided to move onto another book, as I knew everything that the book I was reading had to offer. It would be better if I saw the other variants of the Vampire books so that I could be prepared on the questions depending on which type they asked.

The Impossible- D.S X Reader and K.M. X E.M. X D.S. X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now