D.S. x E.M. x K.M. x Reader pt. 5

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Your P.O.V.

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was in so much pain, stuck in transition because the witch decided that the only way I could turn was by draining a human of blood. Since I was unwilling to kill anyone, I was still in the space between vampire and death.

Lucien was not bad looking to say in the least, but he wasn't Damon, Nik, or 'Lijah either. And I knew Aurora wanted to get a rise out of me by using herself, Hayley, and Elena as rivals and create jealousy.

It hadn't worked with Nik, because I had heard him rant about the bitch before and I knew just how much he hated her guts. He'd tried killing her multiple times and it never worked out. Although, a small voice in my head said if he really wanted her dead, she would be dead.

With Hayley and Elena though. . . well with Elena it was very obvious. She absolutely hated me for taking Damon from her. . . though I had never meant to. Damon had left her, it wasn't really my fault.

Hayley. . . I was uncertain. I didn't really know Hayley and Elijah didn't seem like the kind to cheat, but Elijah could also be very naïve and he was extremely nice. Hayley could've gone to him for comfort about something and he had been to kind to turn her away. Just because they shared a bed didn't mean they slept together.

I couldn't really focus on the three vampires in front of me because I was worried about Damon. Where was Damon? Was he okay? What was happening to him? Was he still in the surgery room like Tristan had said he was? Was he still alive? Was he in pain? Were they torturing him?

"I'm right here love." Lucien's voice cut through my thoughts and I felt his fingers on my face, turning me to face him. I growled, baring my teeth.

"Don't touch me." I spat.

"Oh I'm going to be touching you a lot more than this love." Lucien smirked.

I grimaced.

Lucien undid the metal chains that were holding me down, yanking me to my feet. Truth be told, I actually didn't have the strength to fight him and was half unconscious as he led me down the hallway until we stopped in front of a door.

He opened it up, leading me into a penthouse with a large grand bed with a green comforter and grand furniture. There were large windows letting in light which I shied away from and Lucien, upon seeing my reaction, closed them. I relaxed just a little, but was still nervous about what was going to happen to me.

"What do you all want?" I asked. "What did the doctors do to me?"

"They were very interested when they heard that Klaus Mikelson and Hayley had a child. A tribrid baby that was part werewolf, vampire, and witch. And they wondered if it would be possible, using their technology and witches magic, if they could perhaps make a way for two vampires to procreate. And that is the surgery that you, Damon, and myself have gone under. Of course, we aren't the only vampires to have undergone the surgery, oh no."

He led me to the bed, reaching out with a black thing and locking it around my neck with a small silver lock behind me. A fucking collar. I bared my teeth again, but I was really out of it by now.

"There have been other male and female vampires that have undergone the same surgery and the last surgery actually worked. The female vampire got pregnant and we were so excited. Aurora especially. But then, the vampire she had mated with decided to rip her heart from her body in an argument."

Lucien flashed me a smile and I shuddered. "But don't worry, should we have a child I will not rip your heart from your chest. Imagine a mini me running around!"

The Impossible- D.S X Reader and K.M. X E.M. X D.S. X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now