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Lisa felt quite uneasy letting Jungkook take care of the children alone. After 9pm, she went to bed early and planned to take a look at the situation.

As the number of crossings increased, her adaptability kept getting stronger. As long as she fell asleep, she could feel her consciousness or soul drifting in some space before falling to the ground and awakening in another form.

When her sight gradually recovered, the first thing that Lisa  saw was the villa’s living room. There was no one in the living room, but there was a faint voice from the next room.

After a moment, the two little dumplings ran out to escape pursuit. When Lisa saw their appearances, they were messy all over.

She saw Kai, wearing an XL shirt, pushing the vacuum cleaner in his hand while screaming and crashing around. Yuri hugged a rabbit plushie that was taller than her and staggered behind her brother like a poor little tail.

The two of them had messy hair, stained faces, and no shoes. Their bare feet let loose their joy on the tiled floor. It was no longer clean and tidy like before. Compared to yesterday, they were two completely different people.

What was Jungkook doing? After leaving them alone for two hours, he had destroyed the cute little dumplings!

At this time, Jungkook walked out gracefully. With lazy eyes, a fluttering sleeping robe, and soft slippers, he was the very picture of a decadent young master.

Lisa was even more uncomfortable: The little dumplings have become indistinguishable from dogs, so dirty and sloppy! Jeon Jungkook, are you still human?!

“Don’t play, go to bed.” Jungkook stepped on the vacuum cleaner. Lifting his chin at the two small dumplings, he motioned for them to return to the room immediately with a stern look.

Lisa : No, you want them to sleep like that? Not brushing their teeth? Not washing their faces? Are their butts clean? What about their little feet?

Seeing that Jungkook was about to drive the children into the guest room, Lisa  quickly said: [Jungkook! Wait!!! ]

Jungkook paused his steps and looked around.

[ I am the gold plated picture frame on the display cabinet. ]

Jungkook walked to the display cabinet and looked at the picture frame. What was displayed in the frame was not a picture of a person, but a fat orange cat.

This orange cat had been Jungkook’s pet and was with him for more than ten years before finally dying of old age. Even though it was gluttonous and slothful, had a prideful and wrathful temperament, and was not gentle at all, he framed its photo and placed it in the living room and study as a commemoration.

[ I didn’t expect you to like cats, Jungkook. Why don’t you keep one? ] Lisa took the time to ask.

Jungkook decided not to tell her that he had raised the orange cat, and that it had already passed away. The photo was a memorial picture.

[ No, it’s fortunate that you didn’t raise one, otherwise the cat would definitely not have a good life. ]

Jungkook: Ha ha.

[ Look at how dirty your kids are. Quickly take them to the bathroom to bathe. ]

Jungkook turned his head and swept the little dumplings a glance, contempt on his face.

[ You dare to despise them, who on earth made them like this? ]

Wasn’t it themselves?

Jungkook picked up the photo frame and walked slowly towards the little dumplings with his long legs, “Come here, time for a bath.”

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