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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Here you go guys, I hope you like it! XD aaliyah8192002 TheMidgetBVB )))))

~ Aaliyahs POV ~

Here I am, once again. In the same situation as yesterday. Sitting in my room, blade held to my wrist. Who knows? Maybe tonight I'll get lucky and pass out due to the loss of blood. Or, even better, maybe tonight it'll all end. I dont just mean my pain or the little happiness I have left, I mean my life in general. Lets hope so.

My name's Aaliyah, Im 16 years old. Im depressed, as you can probably tell from my current situation, and Im completely alone. Well, there are other people in this house, but thats not what I mean. My mother, if you could even call her that, doesnt give a shit about me, she just wants to control me and make my life a living hell. And, no surprise, I fucking hate her. Im alone in the sense that nobody is here for me, nobody cares about me, nobody loves me and nobody ever will. Sure, those thoughts sadden me, but its how its always been, so Im used to feeling this way. In other words Im used to feeling like shit all the time.

I wake up from a sleep I didnt realize I had fallen into. Its morning. My arms are on full display, the wounds I gave myself last night healed over. I run my finger along them and hiss, still slightly tender. Jumping up from my previous position on the floor, I consider the fact that its my last week of school. Thats a pleasant thought, but it doesnt overshadow the negative ones, there are way too many of those.

I arrive at school in record time, clean and as ready as I can manage. My friend, well more of an acquaintance but its nice to call her that I guess, stands at the gates of hell, waiting for me. I like her, she's nice most of the time, but other times she can be a complete bitch. As I have nobody else, I just have to endure it.
"Hey Ali!" She calls chirpily.
I smile weakly at her "Hey Mavis." Thats her name, I think its a pretty cool name, but because she's two faced it put me off.
She gasps "Was that an actual SMILE!?! Oh my god no WAY! You dont look as depressed either!"
I roll my eyes "Sorry, I forgot to bring my literal dark cloud with me today, Im sure it'll be back tomorrow, I guess it fancied a lie-in, cant exactly blame it, its been waking up at the same time as me basically everyday of my life."
She raises an eyebrow "I didnt understand most of what you just said, but ok!" She smiles widely. She doesnt understand me at all, but thats ok, at least she's nice to me...sometimes.

The bell echoes through the school halls as me and Mavis walk to our lockers. She's talking to me about something, her on and off boyfriend most probably, but I cant hear her. The only thing I can hear is the steady tempo of my heartbeat. Because for a whole five minutes I'd forgotten how much I hated this place, and its suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. Everyone here hates me. Well everyone except Mavis, and even she only likes me 20% of the time. And, as Im getting my things out of my locker, I hear the familiar teasing of the other students.
"Stupid bitch!"
"Do us all a favor and go kill yourself!"
"Nobody likes you!"
"Hows mommy!?!"
That pushes me over the edge, I slam my locker door shut and march to my first class. Its gonna be a long day, thats for sure.

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