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I checked the time on my phone "Detentions over!" I smiled widely.
Kellin replicated my smile back at me "Awesome, lets go!" He, without warning, grabs my hand and pulls me out of the building. He's running and, as he hasnt let go of my hand, he's forcing me to run too. And, needless to say, I do not enjoy running. But with Kellin...its somehow fun!?! Its weird, being with Kellin, I forget about everything, what I have to go home to, the reasons for my depression, my scars, it all just melts away. And Im smiling. Its not fake, for once. It feels weird to smile this way, I havent done so in so long, but I like it. I like the way I feel when Im with Kellin.

We reach the park and flop onto the swings.
"So, can I get your number?" He asks innocently.
I nod "Sure, why not?" And we exchange numbers. Then my phone beeps, a text notification:

Mom: Why the fuck arent you home yet!?! You stupid bitch, you got blood on your carpet AGAIN! Cut deeper next time, and do it in a ditch or something, so I dont have to find your fat, ugly corpse.

Well then. I sigh, shaking my head at my phone.
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What is it?"
"Just got a text, my mother is wondering where I am."
"Didnt you tell her about your detention?" He asks curiously.
I shake my head "Nope."
"She must be really worried about you then!" He exclaims.
I laugh "Yeah...maybe..." I lie, I dont want to go into this now. I stand up "I'd better go, it was awesome meeting you dude!"
He smiles and jumps up from his swing "Do you want me to walk you home?"
My eyes widen. He WANTS to walk me home!?! He WANTS to spend MORE time with me!?! I shake my head frantically "I would love you to, but...its hard to explain."
"Your dad doesnt like you seeing guys?" Kellin concludes, smiling and raising an eyebrow. I nod, thats a good enough excuse, right? Kellin laughs "Well I'll walk you to the end of your street then, that way he wont see me!" Wow, he really wants to spend time with me.
"Sure, I guess that could work!" I smile at him.
He smiles back at me "Awesome, lets go!" And we start walking out of the park gates.

When we arrive at the end of my street, Kellin gives me a quick hug, says goodbye, and walks away. The smile falls from my face. If school is hell, I have no idea what the fuck I should be calling this place.

I recieve the regular mental and verbal abuse from my mother, which is no surprise as this happens everyday, but today its worse. She's screaming at me for getting home late and all that shit. And for getting blood on my carpet. That night I run myself a bath and cut in there. Spending time with Kellin may cheer me up for however long Im with him, but as soon as he left my dark cloud returned. One meeting wont stop me self harming, at this point I dont think anything can. But, he made me feel better, and Im so grateful to him for that.

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