Chapter 5:- "need a hand with those?"

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Vedansh's POV:-

Watching Misha from afar, I found myself constantly thinking about her. The urge to be closer, to become a part of her life, was irresistible. To achieve this, I planned and executed a series of events designed to grab her attention and ensure she noticed me.

First, I carefully selected a book by her favorite author, ensuring it was signed with a personalized message. Placing it in her locker with a mysterious note, I watched eagerly as she discovered the unexpected gift. Seeing her reaction fueled my desire to be part of her world.

Observing her every move became a routine for me. I followed her discreetly, relishing in the moments when she seemed unaware of my presence. Whether she was in class, at the cafeteria, or simply walking across campus, I was always there, hidden in the shadows.

But my actions didn't go unnoticed. Misha's growing unease didn't discover  me; instead, it only intensified my obsession with her. I convinced myself that my  intentions were pure, that I was simply expressing my admiration for her. However, deep down, I knew that my feelings for her were becoming something much more intense-something bordering on obsession.

Despite my internal conflict, I couldn't bring himself to stay away from Misha. The more I watched her, the more I longed to be a part of her life. I was willing to do whatever it took to make her notice me, even if it meant crossing boundaries and invading her privacy.

In my mind, Misha was not just a passing infatuation; she was an obsession-a puzzle I was determined to solve, a conquest I was determined to win. And as I continued to watch her from afar, I knew that I would stop at nothing to make her mine.


Author's POV:-

In the busy hallway, where the sounds of students talking and lockers closing echoed, Misha struggled to balance a pile of heavy books. The stack was unsteady, ready to fall at any moment. When a group of energetic students bumped into her, almost causing her to drop everything, a strong hand reached out to steady the books and help her.

"Hey, need a hand with those?" Vedansh's voice startled Misha, but the surprise was eclipsed by relief. She looked up to find him smiling, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners.

As she looked at Vedansh, a brief memory stirred in her mind—the library, the stolen glances exchanged in class. But the memory felt distant and unclear, overshadowed by her current worry about the stack of books she was struggling to carry..

"Oh, um, sure. Thanks," she replied, a hint of uncertainty lacing her voice.

 The residual memory of the mysterious note and the signed book sent a shiver down her spine. It was a connection she couldn't quite place, but a connection nonetheless.

Vedansh quickly collected Misha's books, their fingers brushing as he did so. Misha felt a sudden surge of electricity, surprising and unsettling her. His touch lingered for a moment longer than needed, prompting a blush to spread across her neck..

Vedansh, oblivious to her internal debate, flashed a disarming smile. "Hey, there I don't think we've officially met. I'm Vedansh."

The name, though unfamiliar, resonated with a strange sense of déjà vu. "Hi, Vedansh. I'm Misha. Nice to finally put a name to the face," she said, a tentative smile curving her lips.

"Likewise, Misha. I've seen you around campus quite a bit," Vedansh remarked casually, adjusting his backpack strap. His gaze lingered on her for a beat too long, sending another inexplicable shiver down her spine. "What are you up to today?"

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