Chapter 9:-"you're a lot more than I expected."

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As days passed, Misha found herself gradually lowering her defenses around Vedansh.The awkwardness between them gradually faded, giving way to a growing friendship.

One afternoon, as they were bent over their research materials in the library, Vedansh surprised Misha by bringing her a steaming cup of her favorite chai.

"Here," he said, pushing the cup towards her. "You looked like you could use a pick-me-up."

Misha raised an eyebrow, surprised by the gesture. "Thanks, Vedansh. How did you know I liked chai?"

Vedansh shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe I have my ways of finding things out," he said with a smirk.

Misha chuckled, taking a sip of the warm beverage. The familiar taste sent a wave of comfort through her. "Well, you did good," she admitted. "This is exactly what I needed."

For a moment, a comfortable silence fell between them, interrupted only by the soft sound of pages turning. As Misha returned to her research, Vedansh glanced at her, noticing the intense focus in her eyes. There was a quiet determination in her expression that he found unexpectedly attractive.

His feeling was growing intense without his knowing.

"You know," he said softly, "you're a lot more than I expected."

Misha looked up, her expression curious. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Vedansh began, choosing his words carefully, "I thought you'd be... different. More interested in gossip and popularity contests."

Misha couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Is that what the rumor says about me?"

Vedansh scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Maybe a little," he admitted. "But seeing you work, seeing how passionate you are about this project... it's changed my perspective."

Misha felt a warmth spread through her chest. Vedansh's genuine compliment caught her off guard. "Thanks," she said simply, looking down at her notes.

"So, Let's be friend and get to know each other more . What say?" Vedansh asked forwarding his hand for handshake to Misha.

"Sure, why not?" she agreed, a shy smile gracing her lips, as she extended her hand for a handshake.

The conversation shifted back to their project, but the unspoken words hung in the air.A small connection had begun to form between them, and both Misha and Vedansh could feel it slowly growing stronger.

As their study sessions continued, late nights fueled by caffeine and shared laughter became the norm. They discovered a mutual love for classic movies, spending evenings huddled together with takeout boxes, quoting lines and dissecting character motivations.

One especially frustrating night, after they hit a dead end in their research, Misha leaned back in her chair, letting out a groan of frustration.

"I can't with this. mujhse nahi hoga" she sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Hey," Vedansh said gently, placing a hand on hers. "We'll figure it out. We always do."

Misha met his gaze, surprised by the warmth in his eyes. His touch was gentle yet comforting, and it lingered just a moment too long, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Thanks, Vedansh," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

In that quiet moment, surrounded by books and research papers, a spark ignited between them. It was a spark of understanding, of shared frustration, of a connection that went beyond academic pursuits. The line between their project partnership / friendship and something more was beginning to blur, and neither of them seemed to mind.

Little did she knew that this friendship gonna be very dangerous for her.


Misha's POV:-

Misha's POV:-

I was hunched over my in the library, highlighter clutched in one hand, when a shadow fell across the page. I looked up to see Vedansh, his usual air of confidence radiating from him. He held a takeout coffee cup emblazoned with a cartoon cat and a mischievous grin.

"Hey, Misha," he said, his voice warm and friendly. "Studying for tomorrow's test?"

I offered a tired smile. "There's just way too much stuff to learn and my brain feels tiny!"

Vedansh chuckled and placed the coffee cup on the table beside my books. "I figured you could use a caffeine boost." He gestured towards the empty seat opposite me. "Mind if I join you?"

I shook my head. "Not at all, please. Thanks for the coffee."

As I took a grateful sip, Vedansh pulled out a chair and settled down. We chatted for a while about the upcoming text, then the conversation turned more personal. Vedansh spoke about his family, a close-knit unit who loved spending time together.

"They'd love to meet you, you know," Vedansh said casually, taking a bite of a pastry he'd also brought.

I blinked, surprised. "Meet me? Why?"

"Well," Vedansh continued, "they've heard a lot about you from me. They know you're brilliant, funny, and have a killer work ethic. They'd be thrilled to finally meet you. mom ne tumhe dinner pe invite kiya hai "

( Mom invited you for dinner.)

I felt a blush creep up my neck. "That's really kind of you to say, Vedansh, but I don't know..." I trailed off, unsure.

Vedansh leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Think of it as a study break! My family's amazing at making you feel at ease. We'll have a good meal, some laughs, and you can forget about tests for a few hours. Come on, say yes."

I hesitated, feeling a mix of curiosity and a touch of nervousness. Meeting his family seemed like a significant step, taking our friendship to a deeper level than I had expected.

But Vedansh's enthusiasm was infectious, and the idea of a break from the academic grind was tempting.

"Alright," I finally agreed, a tentative smile on my lips. "Just for dinner, though."

Vedansh beamed. "Perfect! Let's say this Friday night? Seven o'clock?"

I nodded, a knot of nervous excitement tightening in my stomach. "Sounds good."

As Vedansh gathered his things, his smile held a hint of something more, a glint that sent a shiver down my spine. I brushed it off, attributing it to my overactive imagination.

I need to stop this overthinking .

Little did I know, this seemingly innocent invitation would mark the beginning of a series of events that would change our lives forever.


chapter 9 is out .

hope you like the chapter

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