Chapter 7:- ' Meher's departure '

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Chapter 7 is out it consists of some flashbacks..

Vedansh's POV:-

I felt a surge of frustration as I realized that Misha was intentionally avoiding me . Determined to change the situation, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Knowing that I had the power to influence the college environment, I devised a plan to ensure that Misha would become my project partner.

Using my father's name and the looming prospect of taking over the family business after college, I approached the Professor who happened to be HOD of the college with a firm demand to assign Misha as my project partner. I made it clear that any refusal would not be tolerated, leveraging my influence and authority.

*FlashBack Start*

* Excuse me, Professor. I need to talk to you about my project assignment" .Vedansh approached the teacher with a determined expression

"Ah, Vedansh. What can I do for you?" Teacher ask Looking up from his desk, noticing Vedansh's serious demeanor

" I need Misha Rai to be my project partner." Vedansh said Leaning in slightly, his tone confident

"Misha Rai? Why specifically her?" Teacher Questioned Raising an eyebrow, intrigued

" Let's just say it's in the best interest of everyone involved, including the college." Vedansh said Maintaining eye contact, his voice low

"I see. Well, I can't just assign project partners based on personal preference. There's a process to follow." Teacher said and Furrows his brow, sensing Vedansh's underlying message

"Professor, I understand. But this isn't just about personal preference. It's about the future of the college and the connections we make here." Vedansh said Nodding knowingly, a hint of intensity in his gaze

"Connections? What do you mean?" Teacher Questioned while , studying Vedansh's demeanor

" My father is a prominent figure in the industry, and soon I'll be taking over the family business. Having Misha as my partner could open up new opportunities for both of us. It's a win-win situation." Vedansh Exhales softly, choosing his words carefully.

"I see your point, Vedansh. I'll take your request into consideration and see what I can do." Teacher Considers Vedansh's words, noticing the conviction in his voice

" Thank you, Professor. I appreciate it."Vedansh said and Offers a grateful smile

In this conversation, Vedansh's expressions and emotions convey his determination and confidence as he persuades the teacher to consider his request seriously.

His eyes are steady and focused, reflecting his unwavering resolve. His tone is calm yet firm, leaving no room for doubt about his sincerity.

A slight furrow of his brow emphasizes the seriousness of his plea, while a confident smile occasionally breaks through, showcasing his self-assurance.

His body language is assertive but respectful, leaning slightly forward to show his eagerness without appearing overbearing.

The overall effect is a compelling mix of earnestness and composure, making it clear that he is not one to be easily dismissed.

*Flashback Ends*

Author POV:-

Additionally, Vedansh confronted Priya and her group, acknowledging the danger they posed to Misha.

He limited their access to him and sternly warned them to stop their harassment.

Vedansh's protective instincts kicked in, and he was determined to ensure Misha's safety from any potential harm.

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