Who The Hell Are You?

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A week later

Y/N had been there for a week now, resting, mostly in the tent recuperating and healing. She had gotten out every now and then but only to use the bathroom or eat supper. Miss Grimshaw gave her strict orders to stay rested.

She didn't know the woman long but she knew better than to disobey her. She had met a few of the ladies. Tilly, Mary Beth and Karen but never this Miss Adler everyone was talking about. She was apparently staying in her tent also.

That was about to change.

Late into the night, she heard some talking outside of her tent. "Alright now, get some sleep" she heard the mans voice say. Then all of a sudden, she was face to face with none other than the famous Miss Adler. Then... when Miss Adler realized there was a stranger in her tent, she was met face to face with Miss Adlers revolver.

"Care to tell me who the hell you are?" A raspy voice questioned. Y/N put her hands up, and looked at her doe eyed, shocked and still out of it from just waking up. Sadie pulled the hammer down on her gun. "How about now?" She asked.

"I'm Y/N!" She said, shocked and with a bit of fear in her voice. "That doesn't tell me who the hell you are and why you're in my god damn tent!" Sadie yelled. "I'm- I... Lenny brought me here!" Y/N got out.

"Did he?" She asked, sarcasm prevalent in her tone. "He did... I was bitten by a gator in Lakay.... He brought me here and Miss Grimshaw told me to stay in this tent. It was last week he brought me here" she explained.

"Susan!!! Lenny!!!" Sadie yelled, not at all bothered about waking the whole damn camp up. There was rumbling's all around them. People whispering and wondering what's going on. Then Susan ran into Sadie's tent.

"Who the hell is this?" She asked her. "Now Mrs. Adler... this is Y/N. She's staying in your tent. Seeing that you were on a trip with Mr. Morgan... I thought it'd be a good place for her" she explained.

"And now that I'm here?" She asked, irritation in her voice. "You will share..." Susan explained. "I don't know this woman from god damn Adam... and I'm supposed to share a tent with her?" Sadie asked. "For all we know... she could be a damn O'Driscol" her lip quivered.

Y/N just laughed. "What's so god damn funny??" Susan had to hold Sadie back. "You thinking I'm one of those mangy fools" Y/N laughed and shook her head. Sadie's facial expression lightened up a bit after she said that.

"Sadie, Y/N was in a gang... an all woman gang" she explained. "Well why the hell ain't she with them?" Sadie snarled. "Miss Alder... she's the only one left..." Susan said, tone softer. Sadie removed the expression on her face.

She looked softer. If it was anything Sadie knew.... It was loss. She knew loss. She knew it like the bastard uncle that shows up drunk to your sixth birthday. She knew it like a lightning strike, like a nightmare becoming reality. She knew loss. She knew it well.

"I'm sorry..." Sadie said. "It's okay, you didn't know who I was... I" Sadie cut her off. "For your loss. Not for that..." Sadie explained. Y/N nodded. She really couldn't blame Sadie for that, she would've done the same thing.

"You can share my tent" Sadie said. Y/N just nodded. "Thank you" She said. "Everything all squared away here?" Susan asked. They both nodded. "Good... now don't you dare wake up this camp again. Either one of you" She warned.

Sadie just stared at her. "Alright! Nothing to see... go back to bed!" Susan ordered the camp from outside the tent. "That hag..." Sadie rolled her eyes. "I could've killed you..." she shook her head. "I'm glad you didn't" Y/N smirked.

"The night is still young woman" Sadie looked at her skeptically. "Time for some shut eye" Sadie said. "I came from a long trip..." she said. "And my friend kept coughing, all the nights we were gone" she shook her head.

"I need sleep now" she yawned. "Goodnight" Y/N said. Sadie crawled into the cot next to Y/N. "Night" Sadie said. The next morning, Y/N woke up. The woman was still asleep in the cot beside her. She decided to be nice and get her a cup of coffee and some breakfast.

She grabbed them both a serving and walked it over to the tent. "Sleeping beauty want breakfast brought to her now?" Bill sassed. "Wakes up the whole god damned camp and demands breakfast in bed" he laughed.

"No... it... I just wanted to be nice" Y/N said. Bill just scoffed and walked away. What an ass. Y/N walked into the tent and Sadie was already sitting up in her cot. Y/N handed her a plate and coffee. She didn't say a word.

Sadie just looked at her wide eyed. Y/N smiled and began eating her breakfast. Sadie continued staring. "You can eat it. I didn't poison it" Y/N smiled. "I... thank you" Sadie said, taken off guard. Y/N just smiled. "Figured it was the least I could do for you allowing me to crash with you" Y/N said, sipping her coffee.

"About last night..." Sadie said. "We got off on the wrong foot" she said. "Care to start over?" Sadie asked. "Sure" Y/N smiled. "I'm Y/N" she held out her hand to Sadie, reintroducing herself. "I'm Sadie" she said, raspy voice and amusement in her tone.

"Nice to meet you" Y/N teased. "Is it?" Sadie joked and they both laughed. "Yeah... it is" Y/N smiled, eating her food. "You must've ran with some hard asses if this is what it's like when it's nice to meet someone" Sadie laughed.

Y/N looked up and shook her head. "You've got a point Miss Adler" Y/N said, agreeing. "Sadie... Call me Sadie" she said. "Okay... Sadie" Y/N smiled. This is the first real connection she's made there. Lenny saved her, yes and so did Miss Grimshaw and to an extent Reverend... but this was the first time she actually interacted with someone and felt a sense of belonging.

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