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   Y/N woke up to Sadie shaking her shoulder gently. She was confused. "Get up sleepy head" Sadie said softly. "What? Is everything okay?" Y/N was confused because it was still dark out. "You're coming hunting with me... or did you forget?" Sadie smiled.

   "What time is it?" Y/N asked. "4:30 AM" Sadie said, looking at her pocket watch by the lantern light. "It's early, don't you think?" Y/N looked at Sadie confused. "That's the point" Sadie smirked. "They stir around in the next two hours, it's the perfect time to bag a doe or a buck" she said. "If you say so" Y/N yawned, lifting her arms up and exposing her bare abdomen a little.

   For a second, she thought she saw Sadie's eyes linger there but when she looked again, she was cleaning her rifle. "Need any oil for your gun?" Sadie asked. "Actually, yes" Y/N said, taking her up on her offer. Sadie threw it her way and she caught it. Sadie smirked at her.

   Y/N set the oil down and got up. "I'm gonna change first" she said. "Go ahead" Sadie said. Y/N hesitated for a second but got into her chest and got out an outfit for the day. Y/N turned the other way to take her shirt off. She heard Sadie laugh ever so lightly, probably because she was being a prude about changing in front of her.

   She lifted her shirt over her head. Sadie's eyes scanned her back. "What happened there?" She heard Sadie ask. She realized Sadie was referring to the long scar on her back. Y/N looked over her shoulder. Sadie was looking right at her. "Got into some trouble robbing a train" Y/N said.

   "The uh Train... started moving unexpectedly and a piece of metal slashed by back" She said. "Looks like it was painful" Sadie said. "Yeah, it was... got an infection from it. I nearly died" Y/N said. "Bad business..." Sadie said. "You can say that!" Y/N agreed.

   Sadie stood up. "You mind if I?" She gestured to Y/N's back, indicating she wanted to touch it. Y/N just nodded her head, giving her permission. Sadie gently ran her fingers along the scar, sending shivers down Y/N's spine and goosebumps all over her body. She shuttered at her touch.

   "You don't have to tell me how you actually got it" Sadie said. "I understand some scars are too deep to talk about" she said, looking at Y/N in the mirror. Y/N made eye contact with her. Sadie just wrapped her arms around her from behind and kissed her scar.

   "Not everyone you open up to will choose to hurt you, though" she smiled. Y/N felt tears forming. "I'll let you have your privacy" Sadie smirked. "I'll be waiting by the horses when you've finished up" she smiled.

   Y/N's heart was beating so fast, she could feel it in her throat. The only time she ever feels like that is when she was on a job with her old gang, doing a robbery or something. It didn't feel like that though, it was good to know. It was a nice feeling... adrenaline but she knew she was safe this time.

   She pulled on her black Henley button up shirt, and her black ranch pants, tucking them into her black tornado boots , of course with her skull belt buckle and her two holsters. She put her pistols in them and made sure she had ammo. She cleaned her rifle and slung it onto her back and began to walk over to Sadie.

   She stood back for a moment, observing her. Sadie was petting her horse, Bob. She was saying something to him she couldn't make out. She fed him a carrot and brushed him. Then she looked over at Y/N. She tipped her hat at her and Y/N did so back. Sadie was a tough girl, no doubt about that but Y/N got to see her gentle, kind side. Not many got to see that.

   She felt privileged and close to Sadie. Sadie was right, people can hold the power to break you... but it doesn't mean they will. You need to take a risk sometimes. Maybe she could with Sadie. All of this was very new to her.

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