A Trip (Pt.2)

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I woke up the next morning and Sadie was cocooned in the bedsheet AND the quilted comforter. She was not kidding when she said she was a cover hog. I looked over at her and I smiled. Despite that fact, I don't think I've ever slept so soundly before.

   Part of it was probably because I was in a house, not a tent, an actual bed and not a cot... but honestly, I think most of it came from being right next to Sadie. I laid there, counting the freckles on Sadie's face, the lines and creases around her mouth and ever so slightly in the corner of her eyes...Stuff that people aren't typically fond of but truthfully I always liked. Sadie had the cutest little imperfections, and honest to god I loved all of them.

   Her hair was all tousled in a loose braid, a bunch of loose pieces around her face. She looked peaceful. I don't know if I've ever seen Sadie that peaceful before. I laid there for some time, I decided it was probably time we got up and started on the porch. I wanted to have some fun first though.

   I took the tip of my finger and I slowly drug it across Sadie's nose, ever so gently. Her nose wiggled like a rabbit. It made me smile. I began dragging my finger along the bridge of her nose softly. I booped the end of her nose. I saw the corners of Sadie's mouth begin to turn up.

   Sadie opened one eye, squinting at me. "You're a weird one Y/N" she said, voice gravely and strained. I loved her morning voice, it was one of my favorite sounds. I just laughed softly. She looked at me. We were face to face, only about 6 inches between us.

   "Good morning" I said softly, biting my lip. "Good mornin" She said, smirking at me. "How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Like a Baby, to tell you the truth" Sadie said, flipping onto her back and laying her head on my shoulder. God, I could've died right there and been perfectly content.

   "Me too" I smiled. "I see I've taken all of the covers" Sadie laughed. "And the sheet" I added. She looked up at me with her big puppy dog, brown eyes and I melted. "I'm sorry" she said, sincerely. "Don't mention it" I said. I must've had a look on my face or something because she looked at me, in an inquisitive, questioning way.

   "What?" I asked. "You don't care I took all your covers?" She asked. "Not really" I smiled. "Hmmm" she hummed. "What?" I asked. "Nothin" She said. I shrugged it off. She opened up the covers and wrapped them around me, so that I was under the blanket with her. I smiled.

   "There" she said, scootching in closer to me and nuzzling her body into mine. I felt the butterflies again, and I took a deep breath. She looked up at me again with those eyes. "You always do that" She said. "Do what?" I asked, unsure what she meant. "Anytime I get close to you or look at you, you... take a deep breath or sigh or somethin" she said.

   I just smiled at her, playing with the braid her hair was in. "You have somethin on your mind?" She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. "Maybe" I said finally. "Maybe?" She mocked back. I just smiled at her, both of our smiles slowly turning more serious. It seemed be both had something on our minds.

   There was a knock at the door. We both straightened up, getting less comfortable with each other. "Come in!" I said. The woman came in, smiling at us. "Good morning! I didn't mean to wake you too early, I just wanted to tell you, I made breakfast and coffee" she said sweetly.

   "Thank you ma'am" Sadie said, sitting up. "We'll be right there" She said. "Take your time dears" She smiled and shut the door behind her. There was a silence, neither of us knew what to say. Sadie just stood up and started getting changed. I tried not to look. I got up and started doing the same thing.

   That's when I caught Sadie's gaze in the mirror. We were both naked from the waist up. Her gaze didn't leave my eyes and neither did mine, hers. A smirk started playing on her lips, slowly revealing itself. I couldn't help but blush and look down.

   I put my shirt on and turned around. To my surprise, Sadie was standing right in front of me. I nearly yelled. She scared me. Then I felt her hand grab my waist and pull me in closer. She looked me in the eyes, her pupils dilating a bit.

   She rested her forehead against mine. I sighed, as she grabbed my waist with her other hand as well. I followed suit grabbing her waist and putting my other hand on her face. My thumb caressed her face, as she looked into my eyes.

   This was the confirmation I needed and apparently the confirmation Sadie needed as well to make her move. Sadie gulped, her lips parting, as her gaze soon shifted to my lips. My gaze followed suit, directing its attention to her lips.

   Then she grabbed my face, under my jawline, tilted her face and closed the gap between us. Her lips were so soft against mine. Her touch was warm and inviting. Soon both her hands were on my face and mine were on her back, pulling her in closer. She kissed me with so much passion, I could never question how she felt after that.

   She pulled away, her breathing heavy, as well as mine. Then her eyes met mine. The butterflies I felt, had turned into an entire aviary full of doves. My head felt light, she was intoxicating and brilliant. She smiled at me. "I was wondering when that would happen" she said.

   "I got tired of waiting for you to do it" she joked. I just laughed. "I was waiting for a signal from you. I guess I got it" I joked. "And in case you weren't sure..." Sadie planted another kiss on my lips, quick and sweet. I smiled ear to ear.

   "So... now we know how we feel about each other" Sadie said. I shook my head in agreement. "Now we know" I said. She held out her hand for me to take. I quickly took it, without hesitation. "Let's go get some breakfast before we start the day" she said. "Let's go" I smiled at her.

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