[Chapter 8]

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Apologizing in advance, I'm writing this on my phone, sorry for spelling errors, weird format, bleeehhhh.  

Love you Little Lions

[Chapter 8]

"Hey Ash," I said awkwardly, remembering my... Situation this morning.  

"Hey Noah, what's crack-a-lackin'?"  

I chuckled at her use of the phrase, how adorable.  

I opened Yoda's door ending Family Force 5's "Cray Button."  

"Eh, not much, just tired as hell," I said nonchalantly, "I really don't want to be here," I sighed and slumped on Yoda's forest green door.  

"Wanna ditch?" Ash suggested, "I never feel like showing up for this shithole." She spoke so calmly, she'd obviously done this hundreds of times.  

"You won't get in trouble with your Ma? She seems like a worrisome woman." I said raising a single brow at her. She smirked devilishly and looked away, "Worrisome about her sister and Lisey, not me and Andy, she knows that we know how to get by, so she doesn't care." 

I nod and jerk my head towards Yoda, why was I being so okay with just running off with her?! I have a girlfriend, I shouldn't be going off with Ash, especially considering how damn attractive I find her. But I'm not a cheater, I can trust myself, this is just a little fun. Just a little fun.  

Ash smiles at me with a slight shy tinge in the action, her canine teeth look dangerously sharp and really vampiric, and... Seductive. No, damnit. Lisey, Lisey, Lisey.

Why don't I just invite her!? Simple solution.  

"Hey Ashes, can we-" I get cut off by her shouting at me, "Fuck! Mr. R, he's coming over here! He can't see me! Go, go, go!"

I quickly pull out of the space and speed off down the road towards the Plaza in our town.

Lisey's POV

Tia D drives us into the school parking lot and I jump out and smile brightly at her, "Thanks, love!" Tia D smiled at me, "You seem awfully bright today, you have all morning, like my old Lise." I smile and nod, "I'm just in a good mood I guess, I can't wait to see my lovely boyfriend and I can't wait for art class, I just, yanno. I'm happy, I can't help it!" I speak my words cheerfully. I've been thinking, why be sad? What good does it do?  

Tia D smiles at me and jabs her thumb towards the other side of the school parking lot, well there's Noah's jeep over there.  

A smile brightens up my face and I look over, there he is, my loving Noah, my pervert I finally fell for last semester. There he was leaning against Yoda with a... flirtatious smile on his face?

I glanced over at how he was speaking to... There she stood in a twirly red and white polka dot Rockefeller dress, tuxedo sneakers and her faded black and red hair looked more brown and ginger and she looked sadly... Beautiful.  

I bit my lip to fight back my tears because I knew how jealous of her I was, even though Noah is my boyfriend... She had an original beauty to her, one that obviously enchants guys, pulls them in, like a shiny fishing lure.  

My breath catches in my throat when I see Noah motion towards Yoda and they just speed off together without hesitating.



SORRY IT'S SO SHORT BUT IT'S ALL I WANTED TO FIT INTO THIS CHAPTER!! Chapter 9 will be up soon my little lions!

Love you! Remember to vote, comment and follow if you haven't already!  


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