[Chapter 3]

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Chapter [3]

Lisey's Point of View...


I bit my lip to keep the tears from pouring down my cheeks. 

She'd planned that. What did she do?! Pay him?! She... that little... 

I whimpered and fell to the floor, against the wall and let the tears fall, she'd known I liked Dev. She'd known! She paid him or something to... to fucking rape me!

Was she expecting me to just, what, open up about that? I could have gotten depression or something over that, my grandma on my father's side committed suicide because she was raped! She couldn't deal with it! Dear God! What was Rachelle thinking? 

I looked up at Noah who was sitting in front of me, worry in his eyes.

All I could remember from that night now was innocent little Noah, trying to get my attention, but I'd been so wrapped up in Dev's trap...

I needed to see her.

I stood up quickly, and wiped my eyes. Noah looked at me questioningly, "Where are you going, Lisey?" 

He stood in front of me, taller than me by at least  5 inches now.

His eyes bored into mine as he spoke again, "Lisey."

"I'm going to make everything better than it is, was and will be, for at least today." And that was all I said, I gave him a quick kiss before running down the stairs and out of his house. 

I began running, since I didn't have a car at the moment, I ran hard. My bare feet skipping across the sidewalk. Rochelle only lived a few blocks away from Noah, but in the same rich-ass neighborhood. 

I got to her house in a matter of minutes, I didn't keep track, but it felt like hours before I could take those tired, slow steps up her driveway. Up the cobblestone entry way and then stand before her big red door that I'd been greeted through, so many times before as if I were family. 

I knocked respectfully.

I waited for a few moments before I heard feet padding towards the door. 

"Lisey?!" Rochelle stood at the door. "What the hell are you doing?! You're half naked!" 

I looked down at myself, I was wearing Noah's old Motley Crue T-shirt he had from when he was little apparently, and then some of his power ranger boxer shorts.

I'd just ran through the neighborhood like this...

Rochelle grabbed my hand and yanked me inside, rapping a random jacket around me, when did she ever care about morals? 

I glared at her, and she knew. She knew that I knew. A guilty look in her eyes she pulled me into a hug, it was awkward, since I was so stiff, refusing to relax into her much-taller form. 

She pulled away and her eyes were watering. 

"I'm so sor-"


My hand left a bright red mark on her right cheek.

She started again, "I-I-I'm sorry, I really... I can't even begin to expl-"


"I don't want explanations!" I fumed, my face was most likely an unattractive bright red, and I could almost hear the smoke whistling out of my ears.

She gripped her face and looked down at me, the tears pouring out now. She nodded silently.

"I hate you. That will never change. We used to be best friends... You fucking ruined it Rachelle. Why would you even do something like that, it's... repulsive! I hate you! I fucking hate you!" My eyes were watering as the images of me and her, in middle school, smiling and laughing, sharing secrets, sleep overs, eating far too much every time we were together... 

All of that... Gone.

One tear spilt on my cheek and Iooked back at Rochelle who was now hugging her knees to her chest on the floor, bawling.

She was whimpering something, something too quiet for me to hear, I bent down next to her, "...another chance, I want to change this...another chance..." 

She looked up at me, her make up smear, a genuine surge of emotion flooded through me, and due to my middle school girl instinct, I hugged her...

Why the fuck was I hugging her?!

"It'll be okay..." I consoled her, What the hell?! 

"You forgive me?!" she wept into my shoulder.

I bit my lip and looked up around the room... I grew up here when I couldn't handle my home life... one mistake? Could I forgive her? Well... she was considered unstable once in ninth grade... Due to the rape? They said she was okay, but... no one could ever really be okay after that... and...

Because of that night, Noah became one of my closest friends...

To be honest I don't ... entirely... hate her for it... considering nothing actually happened to me, I was fine... 

"I'll... try."



Okay so I know ALL of you hate Rochelle, but... I like conflict. :3

It took me forever to write this due to a horrible disease called...

writer's block. 


Next chapter will be out soon, skipping ahead a couple days, just so I can introduce Lisey's cousins, and you all can stop wondering about Noah and Ash's connection in this story,

just a reminder! Lisey's cousins are Ash and Andy, twins, Lisey's age. Hey Aunt is Auntie Mae :) Just so you guys don't have to go back and check my own memory, because I know MYSELF, I hate having to do that then finding out that the own AUTHOR forgot their character's names -.- 


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