[Chapter 13]

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[Chapter 13]

I was lead into my mother's hospital room by the nurse holding my hand, I felt numb as I entered the cold room.

I could feel her brown eyes staring at me but I couldn't build up the strength to look into them, I didn't know what to do, or what to say.

Where will we go from this? Will we stay in the same house, without my asshole Dad? Will we move?

Will she even change from who she was and go back to being the mother I knew from my youth?


I looked at her chest instead and watched as the air entered and left her lungs.

"Lisey, darling?"

The tears brimmed my eyes, and the warm salty liquid only spilling when I met hers. The brown was the same dull colour it was a few weeks ago, I don't know what I was expecting, a different mom, the old one?

"Hi mom." I managed to mumble out. 

The monitors and the nurse suddenly seemed so far away, I didn't know what to do, I'd been preparing myself for my mom not to wake up, but now that she did, I don't know what to do. It's like I was waiting for a race to start, the moment that gun went off I could break down, feel the release of it all being over. 

But instead, they put the gun down and canceled the race, told everyone to go back home. 

And here she is, my home, the home I grew up with, and grew to hate, but even though I couln't stand her sometimes, I always wished that she would come back to me, the old mom I used to know. 

"Lisey, we need to talk." 

I slowly walked over to where she laid in the cold hospital bed, tubes still connected to every part of her, tubes who's use I didn't know or probably understood. 

I sat down on a metal chair, and slowly met her eyes.

She was smiling at me, "I've been wanting to tell you, for a while, since that night actually... when I crashed. I was coming to get you, to tell you that I was sorry. I'm sorry for drinking, for being such a horrible mother, I know I don't give you the love you need but even without me you've become such a strong woman." 

Tears were pouring down her aged cheeks, and I could feel the warm liquid on mine as well. 

"It's okay." I managed, because it was, everything she did was alright with me, I love her, she's my mom. I didn't care about what she'd done anymore. I just wanted everything to be alright. 

"No it isn't Lise. I left your father, I've been meaning to for years but I never could, I was too dependent on him, but, it doesn't matter anymore. He's not in our lives anymore, and I had, well beore the accident, made arrangements for us to move to-"

I cut her off, "To move?!"

 She nodded shyly, "I'm sorry." I just stared at her, "Where?" I asked seriously.

"Carson City actually." She looked away from me, I raised my voice urging her to look my way, look into my eyes, what about Noah, and Tia-D, even Ash, "Nevada?!" 

"Dear, your mother has just woken up, I recomend you not yell at her or do anything to shock her body, she is in a very fragile state, Lisa." The nurse told me seriously.

"It's Lee-See. Lisey." I snapped bitterly without even looking at her 

I felt the nurse shoot me a glare and heard her open her mouth to speak, probably kick me out, but my mom spoke over her. "Yes, in Nevada, do you remember my old friend Rabecca, she used to come over when you were a little girl, with her husband?" 

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