[Chapter 6]

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[Chapter 6]

It's been three days since Lisey found out about her dad, and I'd been beating myself up, mentally, about it. I'd been such a jerk. She hadn't needed to be alone, she needed her Boyfriend there.

Lisey had told me she'd be going home with Tia-D so I figured this was my chance, after school I jumped in Yoda and headed to the floral shop.

I walked inside and realized I had absolutely no knowledge of flowers... None.

I went up to the cashier where a redheaded girl, who's name tag read, Margo.

"Um... Excuse me, can you help me?" She glanced up at me, she was very cute-looking, around my age, and she had freckles spattered across the bridge of her nose and tops of her cheeks.

"What can I help you with?" She smiled brightly. "Um... what are the best flowers to give your girlfriend when you've done something wrong?" She laughed at me and motioned for me to follow.

"Lillies, I believe, are beautiful, or you could go with the normal red roses." I glanced at the roses and then at the lillies, "I'll take a bouquet of Lillies, and I wanted to know, what kind of flowers you should give a person in the hospital?"

"Why are they in there?"

"Car accident."

Margo nodded and speed walked into the back room, and returned with some white flowers, "Daisies. They're really... happy looking, and they just make people feel good. I personally think you should get these, plus they're only three bucks."

I nodded and smiled, "Okay, thank you, I'll take both of them." She nodded and we went over to the cash register.

"So what'd you do so bad to her?"  Margo said after a moment of silence.

She finished wrapping the flowers and handed them to me, "I kind of assumed she needed her space... but then realized she didn't... and yeah. It's complicated."

Margo handed me my reciept and smiled, "Alright, well you go get your girl and remember, don't ever assume. Ask her."


Tia-D and I had gone home after school, I had to admit I was a little disappointed that Noah didn't even question  me when I said I'd be going with her... I guess I thought I was giving off more hints than I actually was.

"So how's it like having your cousins around?" Tia-D leaned in like it was some huge secret.

"It's... okay, Andy is really nice, but he's really quiet and... Ash is sort of..."

"Bitchy?" she finished my sentence for me. "I totally get it now, she's in my P.E. class and she finished the mile before me and when I came in from the field she told me I should practice more, but she said it all bitchy like she was better than me. I mean, why would you do that? I felt like someone slapped me in the face, especially since I used to be the fastest girl in P.E." Tia-D gasped a quick breath after her rant and I smirked.

"Well, yeah, she is kind of a bitch, but she's really pretty, I mean gorgeous... and I worry Noah might... kind of... You know..."

Tia-D jumped off the bed and stood in front of me with her hand on her hip, "Excuse me. Excuse me. Noah? The one who has been dying to be with you since freaking freshman year?!" She snapped her fingers like she was acting really ghetto, "If you have any thoughts that he would do that you must be going crazy. That boy loves you."

I smiled sadly at her, "But sometimes... I just worry that he-" I got cut off by a tapping at my window.

Me and Tia-D looked at the window, and then at each other, she smiled at me.

I walked over to the window and looked out and saw Noah, standing on my lawn. He smiled up at me and I smirked, what the heck was he doing?

I told Tia-D I'd be right back and then ran downstairs, and out the front door where Noah stood with his hands behind his back.

"I've been thinking... I haven't really been here for you the past few days and I wanted you to know how much I love you," He bent down and kissed my lips softly and then pulled away.

He stuck his haand in his jean pocket and pulled out a little piece of plain white printer paper, He unfolded it to show me a little drawing... a terrible drawing of a horse.

"I'm not always the best knight in shining armour but hey, I have the white horse." I looked up at him and he was smiling genuinly. "I love you, Lisey." And then with his other hand that was still behind his back he handed me a bouquet of lillies. 

I looked up at him again, his blue eyes so full of love made my heart flutter. His affect on me never altered.

I wiped a tear from my eye, not really noticing that I'd begun to cry,  and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, I hugged him for a long, long time and didn't let go.

A couple minutes later Noah and I broke apart and he smiled at me, "Come here."

I followed him to his car, he unlocked the driver's side door and opened it showing a lovely bouquet of daisies, "They're for you to give to your mom." He smiled down at me and I sniffled.

God damn... how could I have any doubt about him?

I Won't Leave (Sequel to Just Friends)Where stories live. Discover now