31 | Good Luck Charm

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Adrien's eyes widened as he stared at his phone. Whoever this person was, they were everywhere. They knew everything. But who could it be?

The model's first thought was Felix, but why would his cousin do this? Even as a joke, it didn't make sense. He'd been helping them... sort of.

Would Felix even have a motive to send creepy texts? For what, to try and scare Adrien?

No, whoever this was, they seemed to want to help Adrien hide this and cover up his father's death... but at the price of Marinette taking the blame.

Then again, maybe this was Felix.

"Who was that?" She asked with a yawn.

Adrien slipped his phone back in his pocket. "Uh, Felix," He lied, "asking if he could use my expensive shampoo."

"Of course you have expensive shampoo," She giggled as she nuzzled closer to Adrien. She soon dozed off and her light snoring echoed throughout the quiet room.

Adrien laid there and stared up at her ceiling. He didn't know what to do about these texts.

If it wasn't Felix sending those texts, who was?

Maybe one of the officers? Officer Reimer did make that weird comment about texts. Could it be him?

If it was, why wouldn't he just arrest Adrien already if he suspected him? Unless Officer Reimer didn't have enough proof and these texts were a tactic to scare Adrien into talking.

I've been watching too many crime shows, the model thought to himself as he shook his head. He looked down at Marinette and kissed her forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you," He whispered in her ears.

His soft voice woke her up and she sat up with a big yawn as she rubbed her eyes. She stood and said, "I'm going down to grab something to eat. Are you hungry?"

Yes. "No," Adrien lied.

"Okay." Marinette cupped his cheek and gently rubbed her thumb along his jawline. "If you change your mind, just let me know."

After she left, Plagg appeared by his holder's side and accepted a piece of cheese. "When was the last time you ate something, kid?"

"I can't remember," He answered honestly.


"My appetite's been gone for a while."

His kwami frowned. "You still need to eat."

Adrien didn't say anything else. He waited patiently for his Marinette to return.

A few minutes later, the trap door opened and closed. Marinette walked over with a platter of fresh strawberries and a bowl of melted chocolate. She sat beside him and crossed her legs underneath her and dipped a piece of fruit in chocolate.

Adrien stared intensely at the treats. That looks really good.

"Are you sure you don't want any?" She asked.


From behind the Gurdian, Plagg nodded fast with an encouraging smile.

"Sure," Adrien answered with a nod. "A few strawberries won't hurt."

Marinette offered him the plate and he took it with a nervous smile.

The model only ate four strawberries until his guilt caused his stomach to hurt. All this chocolate is bad for me. He went to grab another, but stopped.

"Full already?"

"I'm not a big fan of sweets."

Marinette grinned. "But you like me," She teased.

"You're right, I do," Adrien said with a laugh. He leaned in close until their lips touched and he kissed her. "I'm your number one fan."

She bit into a strawberry to hide her grin. Soon, she finishes the rest of the fruit and stood to put the empty platter on her desk.

"I'm going to use the bathroom real quick before I head home," Adrien suddenly said.

"Go ahead, just be careful. I don't know how my dad will react to seeing you..." Especially since I admitted to Officer Reimer that Adrien and I were alone in his bedroom!

Adrien was confused by her statement, but said nothing and left through the trapdoor.

Marinette sat at her desk and grabbed her sketchbook and started working on a new design. Their kwamis flew over to her and floated up to her head. She looked up and smiled before giving them each a macaroon. With a pat on their heads, she turned back to her sketching.

Plagg stared at the trapdoor. He knew exactly what his holder was doing. He faced the Gurdian, about to share his thoughts, when Adrien walked back in.

The model wiped the corner of his mouth as he walked over to her. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Adrien, you're homeschooled," She reminded him.

"I know."

"I can't skip school to hang out wit you..." She looked up him and smiled into a sigh. "No matter how much I want to."

Adrien rested a hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to convince Nathalie to put me back in school."

"Wait, really?"

He nodded.

"But what about..."


Marinette frowned. "Everyone's going to have questions, Adrien, and lots of things to say... you know... about your father."

"I can handle it."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

He nodded again.

At the police station with Officer Reimer, Adrien didn't see or hear his father once, and he noticed that, too, on Luka's houseboat at his birthday party. So, he'd assumed he could only see his father's ghost at home. If he wasn't home to be haunted, maybe, and surely, he wouldn't lose his mind.

"I'm sure I can convince Nathalie."

Marinette reached up to his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "Well if you do, let me know. You don't have to walk into school alone."

"Thanks, babe."

She blushed at the nickname and bit back a grin.

"Wait, really?" Adrien questioned as he noticed. "I bring you roses and recite poetry and flirt with you almost all the damn time, but a pet name is what makes you flustered?"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, sue me."

"Speaking of pet names..." Adrien grabbed her hand. "We haven't really talked about... us... ever since we learned our secret identities."

"I know. It doesn't help with everything that's going on."

"And as I was trying to say earlier, before I got brought into questioning..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver necklace, holding a locket with a rose engraved on the front. "This was my mother's necklace. It was the last thing found of hers before she disappeared."

"Oh, Adrien... I'm sorry."

Adrien fought back tears on the thought of his missing mother. "She wore this necklace everywhere she went and swore it always brought her luck."

Ironic enough, when she took the necklace off, she fell into her coma a week later.

"And so, I've always carried it on me, as sort of my good luck charm, but now..." Adrien clasped the necklace around her neck. "You are my good luck charm, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"Adrien..." She held the locket in her hand and admired it. "It's beautiful."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Marinette stood and cradled his face. "Yes, of course." She kissed him again and again.

Adrien pulled her closer and kissed her back again and again.

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