35 | Unknown, Unmasked

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Adrien and Marinette's eyes widened in sync.

"M-My mother's phone?!" He shouted, running his fingers through his wet hair as he shook his head fast. "But... that doesn't make sense! She's in a coma, we all saw her down there!"

"Those were my thoughts exactly, cousin."

"So... what does that mean?" Marinette asked.

Felix unfolded the note and threw it on the coffee table. "Someone else is using Aunt Emelie's phone to send those texts and they're trying to cover their tracks."

Angry, Adrien screamed, "Who would do that?!"

"I have a theory..." Felix admitted.


"I believe it's Nathalie."

Adrien's ears rang as he stood rooted in place, jaw gaped open. No... no... no... "N-Nathalie? S-She wouldn't—"

"Are you sure, Adrien?"

"Why would she do that?"

Felix crossed his arms. "It makes sense, cousin. Those texts you showed me, this person wants to help you. They want to keep Gabriel Agreste's death covered up, so you can be free and move on from this horrific nightmare."


"And they're willing to have Marinette take the blame—if it means keeping you out of prison."

Adrien stumbled back. "No."

"And who would protect you?"


Felix nodded slowly. "Nathalie—who would do anything to protect you, even if it meant throwing your girlfriend to the wolves!"

"Why would she do that?" Marinette asked.

Adrien grabbed her hands. "I won't let that happen, Mari. If anyone is going down for what I did, it'll be me."

"No one is going down for anything!" Felix snapped with an eye roll. "No one is getting caught... if we don't make any more mistakes."

"I need to hear this from Nathalie herself."

"What good is that going to do, Arien?" His cousin asked.

Adrien balled his hands into tight fists. "Because if it is Nathalie sending me those texts, then this can all stop! If she wants to protect me, maybe she can help us."

Felix sighed. "Fine, it's your mess, Adrien. Your choice."

"Okay, then..." He straightened his shoulders. "I'll be right back."

Adrien let go of Marinette's hand and walked out of his bedroom. He stood outside Nathalie's room and knocked two times on the door.

"Come in!" She called out.

He opened the door and stepped inside. He closed the door softly.

Nathalie was in bed, typing on her laptop on the desk attached to her bed. "Adrien, are you and your guests almost ready for dinner?"

"Uh, yeah, but I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

Adrien didn't say anything. He pulled out his phone, opened the texts, and set it on the desk beside her laptop.

Nathalie grabbed his phone and looked at the screen. Her eyes widened. "When did you start getting these—"

"I know they're from you, Nathalie," Adrien cut in, not in the mood for bullshit anymore.

Unclean Hands 🫴🏻 (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now