6 | A Bug's Comfort

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One Day Before

Adrien tiptoed into the kitchen and opened the pantry. His father had sent him to bed without dinner—again—and his kwami had manage to convince him to sneak down here and get something to eat.

He grabbed a box of saltine's, a jar of peanut butter, and potato chips from the pantry and chocolate eclairs and cheese for Plagg from the refrigerator.

He was so hungry, everything looked good, and he knew he would regret it, but he had a little trick to get rid of that awful feeling.

Adrien got back upstairs to his room without getting caught and climbed in his bed. He pulled his blanket over his head and continued watching another anime Nino had recommended.

"Thanks for the cheese," Plagg whispered as he sat by his head to watch. "So, what's this show about again?"

"This man guy right here," Adrien explained as he pointed at a character, "Has superpowers."

"So, kind of like you?"

He nodded. "Yes, but he was born with them. Mine come from a ring and a magical kwami."

Plagg went to say something, but suddenly stopped. "I'm sorry, kid." He immediately flew and hid under the bed.

"What do you—"

The blanket was ripped off of Adrien and his father stood at the foot of his bed, angry. Gabriel saw all the junk food and hidden wrappers under the pillow. "What the hell is this?!"

"I-I was hungry, Father."

"Hungry?" He asked, like it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.

"You sent me to my room without dinner again."

Gabriel took a step forward, which made Adrien jump to his feet. "Rightfully so! You know this new diet you're on is very strict. And you're eating..." He grabbed the empty wrappers and threw them at Adrien's face. "Junk food?! Do you know what this stuff does to your body? You can't just be eating this shit, Adrien! You need to maintain a perfect look for the brand. I can't have you looking bloated and big during your photoshoots. It isn't attractive."

"I-I'm sorry," Adrien whispered, holding his hands together as they shook. "It won't happen again."

"You're right, it won't." Gabriel took another step and towered over Adrien. He grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, glaring with a wicked snare. "If I ever catch you eating this junk again, you can say goodbye to school and all your friends. You only have a few months until graduation, Adrien. Do you really want to spend it all alone in your bedroom?"

Plagg watched from the cheese cabinet and glared at the back of Gabriel's head. He hated that he could only sit here and watch.

Adrien shook his head fast.

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Father."

Gabriel let go of his son and pushed him back. "I leave for my business trip tomorrow, Adrien. I don't need this extra stress right now. So if I have to keep an eye on you..."

"No! Father, you promised I could stay home!" Adrien reminded him.

"Can I still trust you to be here all by yourself? You're up past your bedtime watching crap on your phone. You're stealing and hiding food from me. You haven't proven to me lately that you're responsible enough to be here alone."

He shook his head. "I promise I won't do those things again. Please, let me stay home."

Gabriel stared down at his son, quiet. He hadn't intended on actually bringing Adrien along. He had important business—miraculous business—and heard rumors of a secret location of a new miraculous somewhere deep in Brazil. He wanted to find it before someone else did. Gabriel still hadn't shared with his son that he was in fact, Shadowmoth, and didn't want Adrien getting in the way or accidentally discovering his secret identity before the time was right.

"I'm giving you one last chance, Adrien."

He sighed in relief. "Thank you, Father."

"But your friends are not allowed over! No people, no parties, no get togethers. Especially not with Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

What does he mean, especially? Adrien thought to himself, confused.

Gabriel didn't like how much time his son spent with that girl. Her simple existence tainted the brand enough, and with her being so close to Adrien certainly didn't help.

Instead of arguing, he agreed. "Yes, Father."

After his father left, Adrien locked himself in the bathroom. He took care of his awful feeling.

As his holder stood at the sink and rinsed his mouth out, Plagg floated by his head and stared at him through the mirror. He pouted and asked, "Why do you do that, Adrien? It's... it's not healthy."

"Because I have to. It's what I deserve for eating," Adrien simply answered.

"You're allowed to eat!"

He frowned and whispered, "Only what my father approves."

Plagg hissed and shook his head fast. "Your father is the most vile, hateful, disgusting, cold-hearted person I've ever met! He is truly the worst human being in the history of history—well, aside from a few wicked people—and you shouldn't listen to him!"

"H-He only wants what's best for me."

"You and I both know he can do better," His kwami said as he crossed his paws. "He just chooses not to."

Adrien dried his hands on a towel and walked back into his bedroom. He looked at his window and raised his arms. "Plagg, claws out!"

Cat Noir jumped out and ran to his and Ladybug's spot. Whenever he had a bad day, he always found comfort just sitting there, even if his lady wasn't there some days.

He landed on the roof and sat on the ledge. He stared out at the sunset and his shoulders shook as he began crying. His eyes closed tight as hot tears ran down his mask, over his cheeks, and into his mouth. He tasted salt.


Ladybug stared at her partner with wide eyes. She had never seen him like this before. Without saying a word, she sat beside and hugged him. His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her in tight. She didn't ask questions. She didn't make him explain anything.

"It's okay," She whispered in his ear as she rubbed his back. His claws dug hard into her arms as he sobbed into her shoulder. Cat Noir didn't realize he was hurting her, but Ladybug didn't say anything. She could handle it.

She played with his hair as he calmed down and rested his forehead against hers. They stayed close like this for almost ten minutes before he pulled back first.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"I'm not." She moved her hand and cupped his cheek. "We're partners, Cat Noir. No, more than that. You're my best friend. I hate to see you like this."

He smiled sadly at her. "I'm supposed to be stronger."

"You are. You are! Whatever you're going through, whatever you're fighting, you'll be okay."

"I hope so, Milady."

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