26 | Master Of Manipulation

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The three of them were back upstairs in the model's bedroom. Adrien hadn't said anything in over an hour. He was still in shock from the sight of his missing mother. He couldn't believe that she'd been here this entire time, and that his own father would keep her from him.

Felix walked over to the pair sitting together on the couch. "Adrien, do you mind if I borrow some clothes?"

Adrien didn't hear him. He was lost in his thoughts.

Marinette bumped his arm. "Adrien."

He blinked and looked over. "Hmm? What?"

"I asked if I could borrow some clothes," Felix said again.

"You didn't bring any?"

"I didn't plan on staying overnight, but given what I've learned, I think it'll be smart if I stay."

Adrien shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Take whatever you want."

Felix walked over to his dresser and found a spare change of clothes. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower."

"Don't use my expensive shampoo!"

"No promises!"

Felix walked back to the guest room, and instead of a shower, he quickly changed into the spare clothes and fixed his hair to resemble his cousin's. He grabbed the paper bag by the door and took it with him as he left the house.

While he was out earlier, Felix had pretended to be Adrien and got ahold of the man in charge of creating Gabriel Agreste's designs and fashions. He convinced the man to mass produce two jackets for him.

All apart of Felix's plan.

Felix, charading as Adrien now, made his way to the mayor's hotel. He found him in the lobby at the counter and they soon made eye contact.

Mayor Bourgeois eyes widened as he saw the model and he quickly walked over to greet him. "Adrien! It's so good to see you..." He gave him a quick hug. "How are you?"

"I..." Felix cleared his throat and made his voice sound a pitch higher. "I've been better."

"I'm sorry about your father," The mayor whispered.

"Me too."

"So, what brings you to my hotel today?"

Time to put my plan in motion. "I'm sure you're aware Officer Reimer and Officer Laurent are staying here currently? While they work my father's case?"

Mayor Bourgeois nodded. "Yes, I'm aware. I have them in the top penthouse. What about them?"

"Well, I'm thankful for all the hard work they've been doing, and I wanted to show my appreciation."

"That's thoughtful."

Felix reached in the bag and pulled out two black leather jackets. Around the collar and sleeve cuffs, pigeon feathers were secretly hidden and sewed into the threads.

"My father.... Before he..." He pretended to fight back tears. "He was starting a new fashion line: The Hearts of Paris. These were his first creations. I thought, what better way to honor the men searching for my father than with this?"

"Wow, Adrien! These are beautiful!" The mayor admired the leather and handiwork. The brand logo was sewed onto the sleeves, which was decorated with silhouettes of white and purple flying butterflies. "Oh, the design is well crafted. Would you like me to call them down for you?"

No. They can't know the gift is from me... or from Adrien. "Actually, I kind of what this to stay a secret," Felix admitted.

Mayor Bourgeois raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh?"

Felix chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. He had memorized this as one of his cousin's nervous ticks. "Well, not a secret. You see, technically I'm now allowed out of my house right now, and if anyone knew I was here, I'd get in a lot of trouble."

"Ah, I understand, son." The mayor nodded and leaned in. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you were here."

"Thank you, Mayor Bourgeois. Perhaps you could give them to Officer Reimer and Officer Laurent yourself? And play if off as a gift from... you?"

He nodded. "I can do that, Adrien. Anything for my friend's son."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Felix handed him the bag.

"I should get back before—"

"Go, go! Don't get caught."

Felix smiled and left.

Mayor Bourgeois sighed. "Oh, how I miss being young."

The mayor then took the elevator to the penthouse and knocked three times on the door. 

Officer Laurent answered the door. "Oh, hello, Mr. Mayor. Anything we can do for you?"

"Actually, I have a gift! From... me." Mayor Bourgeois raised the paper bag in his hand. "Uh, I wanted to thank you and your partner for all your hard work and dedication you've put into this investigation. Gabriel Agreste is a dear friend of mine."

"Just doing our jobs, sir."

"Please, I insist." The mayor handed him the bag. "Just a small gift from the hearts of Paris."

Officer Laurent peeked in the bag and pulled out one of the leather jackets. His eyes widened in amazement, and he nodded to himself. "Woah is this real leather?! Wow, this is very nice, Mr. Mayor!" He slipped the jacket on, content. He cleared his throat and shook the mayor's hand. "Uh, thank you, Mayor Bourgeois. It's nice to be appreciated sometimes."

"Please, the pleasure's all mine. I'll let you two get back to your work." The mayor waved and took the elevator back down to the lobby, where his angry daughter waited with another ridiculous request.

Unknown to Mayor Bourgeois, he had unintentionally helped Felix initiate part two of his plan.

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