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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗 - 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐬

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗 - 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐬

˗ˏˋ꒰ 👻 ꒱

Hours later, the sun finally made a reappearance into the sky, the warm hues that came with it engulfing the black of night. Some of the color peeked into the house, painting the living room in an orange toned glow. The sudden intrusion of light, along with the rustling coming from one of the couch's residents, caused [Name] to open their eyes. They did so just in time to see Craig trailing into the kitchen.

They waited a few minutes before following him. They found him playing on his phone at the table. He didn't look up, even as the spirit slid into the seat across the table from his. They fidgeted with their hands, unsure on how to converse with him. They eventually came to the conclusion that, at the very least, he couldn't be worse than Cartman. Plus, he didn't seem too rude when they were playing Mario Kart with the others. More blunt than anything, especially towards Clyde. Even with that, they hadn't exactly exchanged words with each other. So they searched for a conversation topic that would break the ice that had wedged its way in between them.

They soon found it in the NASA patch that stood out against the blue backdrop provided by his jacket. "Do you like space?" They started, causing Craig to look up at them. His stoic expression never changed as he glanced down at the patch, then back at them. "Oh. Yeah, I do," he responded. [Name] wondered how they hadn't noticed it earlier, but his voice sounded nasally, like he had a constant cold. They contemplated asking about it, but decided not to.

"That's cool, space is interesting," they commented. It earned a nod from Craig, who promptly went back to playing on his phone once the very short conversation died out. [Name] wasn't exactly sure what to say after that, so they just let the conversation ebb into semi-comfortable silence.

More minutes passed in that fashion before a noisy yawn shattered the fragile silence. The two looked over to see Clyde walking in mid-yawn. Once he was done, he looked at the other occupants of the kitchen and smiled. "Good morning guys!" He chirped, although making sure to lower his voice due to the sleeping residents of the living room. He was met with an unenergetic "morning" from [Name] and a middle finger from Craig.

He went over and sat in an empty chair midway between the two. He turned to [Name], beginning to ramble to them about the movie they had watched the night prior. It was met with occasional input from them, and a few monotone comments from Craig, who hadn't looked up from his phone since Clyde walked in the room. He only pried his focus away from it when Tweek walked in, Jimmy following behind him.

The blond took a seat beside Craig, and Jimmy sat next to [Name]. He joined in with [Name] and Clyde's topic, while Craig and Tweek separated off into their own conversation. The trio soon sparked a debate on if they would be the last one alive in a horror movie scenario. "Yeah, I would definitely survive a horror movie," Clyde bragged, with the other two sharing a look that screamed 'no the fuck he won't'. "Denial is a river in Egypt and you are drowning in it right now Clyde," [Name] remarked, with Jimmy agreeing and Clyde letting out an offended cry. "Wha- no I'm not! I would absolutely survive!"

"A-Accept it like the rest of us C-C-Clyde," Jimmy tried to convince him, only to be met with Clyde's continued vehement refusal of admittance. Tolkien, much to his own misfortune, appeared in the kitchen in the midst of Clyde's denial, and the boy instantly looked to him for support. "Tolkien, help me out here! I would totally survive in a horror movie, right?" Tolkien stood there for a moment, having a dilemma on how he should respond. On one hand, there was no way in hell Clyde of all people would be the sole survivor of a massacre, fictional scenario or not. But also if he said this aloud, he and everyone else would have to deal with Clyde complaining about how he was getting ganged up on.

"..No comment," he simply replied, quickly walking off to search through his pantry for breakfast that nobody would have to cook. "S-See? You're screwed," Jimmy started. "Yeah, make sure to stay away from any abandoned hillbilly houses in the future," [Name] added. "He didn't say I wouldn't survive!" Clyde countered. "He didn't say you would either," Craig chimed in. "Not you too, Craig!" Clyde whined, only to be flipped off by the mentioned teen.

Tolkien interrupted them by setting a box of the cinnamon Pop Tarts in the middle of the table. Clyde instantly snatched one, with all the other boys following. It silenced them for a little while, with everyone eating one of the pastries but [Name]. Clyde scarfed his down quick, and the second he opened his mouth afterwards everyone knew he was about to keep trying to convince them he was right in his survival prediction. 'He's certainly persistent,' [Name] thought.

"Do you guys want to play Super Mario Party?" Tolkien quickly offered, not wanting to be dragged into the brunet's shenanigans. Everyone accepted his proposal, and soon enough they were in the living room once more, booting up one of Tolkien's gaming systems. Since only four players were aloud, Craig teamed up with Tweek, and Jimmy teamed up with [Name].

The game soon commenced, with everyone racing to be the winner. They also stole stars and coins from Clyde at every opportunity just for fun. This resulted in his eventual loss, with Tolkien in the place ahead of his. Craig and Tweek just barely got second, making [Name] and Jimmy the winners of that round. They shared a high five to commemorate their victory. Afterwards they played the teams mode, forming into teams of three instead. Clyde joined Craig and Tweek's team, and Tolkien joined the other duo. It ended up being Clyde's first video game related victory in a while.

They played for a few hours before everyone began going home at around noon. The last one there that didn't actually live there was [Name]. As they were going out the door, they waved with a smile to Tolkien. "It was fun hanging out with you guys." Tolkien smiled back, "It was fun hanging out with you too. See you soon?" [Name] nodded in response to his question before their form dissipated from mortal sight.

They made their way to where they resided recently, only to notice that there were two odd sensations crawling within their form. Firstly that nagging feeling of eyes on them, which should be impossible since nobody would hypothetically be able to see them at the moment. Nobody alive, anyways. Ghosts were rather pliable in terms of visibility, since they were no longer tethered to a physical body that was forced to be opaque constantly. They knew that, for the present, their appearance was transparent to the mortal eye. Therefore the tangibility of being watched was unnerving, to put it lightly.

The second thing they were able to perceive was something nearby, although they couldn't pinpoint where. That something wasn't anything they had encountered before. They had met mortals and immortals, zoetic beings and those who have had the breath of life ripped away from them like they had years ago. Whatever was watching them was close to the latter, but more amplified. Like they had already passed onto whatever afterlife awaited them, yet they roamed the earth like other souls tethered here for one reason or another.

No matter how much [Name] examined their surrounding environment, they didn't visibly perceive anything that shouldn't be there. But feeling it was enough for them to get out of there as hastily as they were capable of. It was a while before the lingering sense of being observed finally subsided, and even longer before any impression of peacefulness returned to their soul.

𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥...

𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥

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