☆ chapter 1

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"i hate you." she wrote.


"I hate you!!"

She yelled at Aiden. Aiden on the other hand, smirked. He kicked Ryu on the ground, leaving a huge bruise of her hip. There was a huge crowd around this fight, which usually happens 3 times a week. Ryu was getting I guess, bullied? She couldn't stand up, it felt like she just got stabbed, but she was probably overthinking. Aiden giggles.

"Aw, are you too weak now?"

"G-get off me!" She stuttered as she was talking, a bit more scared to stand up for herself. She felt weird in her stomach as this was happening. Sharp pains over her body. Aiden picks her up, letting her lean on the lockers. She was confused.

"What, you're not fighting back now?"

"S-shut up— my stomach hurts."

His tone softened, he looks down at her. She was a bit suprised, as well as the crowd. Cameras were still recording to matter what. They had to get this content to post it God knows where. He looks at her with a softer view.

"I'll stop then."


She was very confused at this time. She never saw him caring like this. Aiden picks her up, bringing her to the bathroom for more privacy. He leaves Ryu infront the girls bathroom.


"You said your stomach hurts."

"Arent you trying to make me in pain?"

"Well— kindof."

She look up at him with a confused look. He smiles at Ryu.

"I wont hurt a girl that bad, now go check whatever is happening."

"Are you trying to say what I think your trying to say?"

"Tell me if you need a pad."

Ryu was shocked, usually boys like this would make fun of this kind of situation. Or, boys like him wouldn't even do this and just leave her on the ground. She clears her thoughts and nod. Ryu goes in the bathroom, running into a stall.


Time has passed, Ryu comes out. To her suprise, Aiden was there waiting.

"So, what happened?"

"W-well— you were right.."

She was embarrassed with talking about this subject with a guy, especially him. He was a guy she would have never guessed that she would be talking about this topic with him. Aiden smiles at her. He was probably thinking of many things right know. (what ryu thought) On the otherhand, Aiden was actually basically blank-minded. He didn't know much about periods, but he knew they were a pain in the ass. He also thought if we was supposed to help more, or if he is supposed to help more now. After a few seconds, he got very overwhelmed.

"Are you in pain?"

"Not mu—"

"I have to help you, right?"

"No, it's f—"

"Don't deny it, I have too!"


"I'm sorry for hurting you."

Ryu was very confused to the point she was thinking what happened to Aiden. Was he okay, did he go through some reality check in a few seconds? She looked up at him, she didn't know her face showed she was confused. But, It was super obvious. Aiden looks down at her, very panicked if he did something wrong. Usually, he doesn't care at all of what people say. But, according to him, if it was with a girls system, it's series.


"Aiden, it's okay. Your overthinking too much."

"I can bully you when?"

"Well, the next time you try, I'll be the one beating you!"

She says in a playful tone, Aiden giggles along.

"Sure, when is that?"

"Um... a week?"

"Just let me know, maybe I should give you my number~"

Aiden smirks and winks at Ryu. They both holds back their laughter.

(at the end they laughed.)


A few days passed, nothing much happened between Ryu and Aiden other then silly faces to eachother in the hallway. Obviously, people have noticed this behavior and how they haven't been fighting for a bit. They were such a popular enemy duo that the student-made school tiktok page has mentioned it. It's also in the school discord, which Ryu was even suprised they had one with around 500 and more people in it. Ryu's and Aiden's friends have been asking about it too, obviously they just told the truth. This hasn't spread though, yet. School has been going pretty well and normal. Until Thursday. The second last day before the weekend. People in the school from grades 10-12 have been called to the gym for a 'meeting.' Students were rushing to the gym.

Minutes later, everyone has made it to the gym. The principal speaks up.

"Is the microphone working? Oh, yeah. Okay. Hello students of _______!"

The students reply back in respect by greeting the principal.

"All exams of December-March have finished, and everyone has done such a great job! As in return, we will be bringing the grades here on a overnight camping trip for 4 days!!"

The school cheers. Ryu sits there silently, waiting for details and everything else.

Minutes pass, most of the information is done. Now, the most important part. pairings!! Pairing are the most important, you're gonna be with a person the same gender as you (lol) for the whole 4 days. You guys will do everything together basically!! People were worried about this, they weren't allowed to pick or request changes. Yes, this trip is fun and all, but some pairing wont be fun.

"Okay, we'll be going through grade 10's first."

Ryu looks up. Aiden on the other hand, is talking with his friends and joking around. He was sure he would be with his friends or atleast some boy he's cool with. The principal mentions some pairs, some time passes aswell. Ryu noticed she's probably one of the last to be called. Until..

"Ryu and Aiden."

Aiden shuts up immediately. Grade 10's and most 11's know about this situation, not much grade 12's. People were suprised, but Aiden and Ryu were even more. Ryu puts her hand up, ready to ask the question.

"Yes Ryu?"

The principal asks innocently like he didn't just pair them up. He knows for a fact about all the fights.

"But— were a different gender?"

"Yes well— We figured you 2 will get along better and stop causing trouble if this happens."

She rolls her eyes.

"Okay. Can I change though?"

"No, decisions are final."


1037 words.

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now