☆ chapter 7

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"i hate you." she wrote.


Bzz bzz bzz.
There goes the alarm again. It's been 2 days since the incident. Who or what caused the fire? Still nobody knows. Police are still investigating it. It's been 2 days and he can feel the flames and smoke, Ryu in his arms. Aiden woke up. He was crying at night. Still the words haunted him.

'Is it my fault?'

Answer: no. But, nobody can tell him this. Why? Well because, he wont tell anyone. And he can't get the fact that it isn't his fault in his head. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"8.. 8?!"

He got up immediately and went to change for school.

"Shit, I'll be late!"

A few minutes pass, he rushes off to school.
Luckily, he made it on time, out of energy though.
Next, he was already sitting in class. It felt so weird. They would've been leaving the trip now if nothing happened. He and Ryu would be packing up now. Ryu would be awake now if nothing happened. He sighs, hoping this was just a stupid dream he had. He didn't even wanna end it, he wanted to see Ryu awake after this.

"Aiden!! Aiden!"

"Y-yes sir?"

"You have been ignoring me!"

"Sorry.. I was thinking of stuff."

The teacher sighs.

"Ryu will be fine. Now answer this question."

Some of the class giggles, Aiden blushes.

As he answers, Ray was sad aswell. He was also thinking of Ryu, does he.. like her?


School has ended. He decided to take a little trip to Ryu. He took the bus without permission from his mom.
Aiden arrived, he knew that she was in this hospital because he was crying when they came and took her. They had a certain uniform with the hospital name on it. Now he was here, looking for Ryu.

"Hello, miss?"

"Hi! Who ya' here for today?"

"Ryu ____"

"Got it! Room 113!"

She hands him the pass to visit.

"Thank you."

"Have a goood day!"

He walks through the halls of God knows what. Sicknesses, cancer, death, who knows. He opens the door, seeing Ryu sleeping. She was more in a.. casual pose? Did she wake up?


He walks more forward, kneeling to her.

"I-- I miss you so much.."


"Please come back."

He kisses her hand.

"If you wake up.. I left stuff on your desk."

It seems like he has lost hope.

"I love you. I told you this before all of this happened, when we were stuck in that fire."

He sighs.

"You said you were too panicked to process what I said, or you were just trying to change the topic."

"Do you like.. someone else?"


"Do you like.. Ray?"

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now