☆ chapter 4

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"i hate you." she wrote.


It was their last activity, Aiden had noticed how much Ray has been looking at Ryu. He seemed to get pissed, and Noah knew what was happening.

"I can't believe we have to make sculptures for the last activity!!"

The artist in Ryu exclaims happily. She was focused on this, she wanted to have the best sculpture.

"I can't believe we have to make sculptures for the last activity..."

Aiden grunts, about to give up. (opposites attract ifykyk 😝)

"It's not so bad if you understand it."

Noah says, trying to make Aiden more energetic about this. On the other hand, Ray was also focused. He had the same goal as Ryu. Noah smirks.

"So, how was the first night?"

Ryu and Aiden immediately look at Noah, then back at each other, then Noah again.

"Nothing much."

They both say in sync.

"You guys looked worried."

"Yeah, because we don't wanna go through it again."

Aiden says.

"So something did happen?"

"We just couldn't sleep, okay!?"

Aiden blushes a bit as he says that. Noah giggles.

"Don't worry, I wont ask too much."

Ray was listening to the whole conversation, annoyed.


Everyone went back to their dorms. Ryu jumps onto the bed, ready to sleep.



He looks at her.

"You know, we only have 2 more nights together after this one."


Ryu says with a muffles voice, her head was stuffed in her pillow.

"You're not changing?"

"I will."

She sits up, getting her clothes and gets to the washroom to change.
A few minutes pass, they are both changed to their pyjamas and lying in the bed.

"You're boring."

Aiden says.

"I'm tired, what do you want me to say?"

"Boo hoo, tired because of 4 activities?"


He rolls his eyes.

"Fine, goodnight."

"Yeah you too."


Ryu wakes up to Aiden carrying her. Surprisingly, she wasn't in her pyjamas?


"You woke up finally."

"What are you doing?"

"You didn't wake up, I even shouted in your ear. It's almost activity 2."


"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now