☆ chapter 2

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"i hate you." she wrote.


It's after the 'meeting.' Some people were happy, some people were mad and unhappy. Some of those 'some' people, are Ryu and Aiden. Class is starting, Ryu sat down at her desk. This class, Aiden is also in it. He decided to come up and sit next to Ryu. He unpacks his bag acting like he didn't just do that. She looks at him, confused and pissed at the same time. Aiden awkwardly smiles at Ryu.


"Okay sorry."

Awkward moments are cut off, it would still be going if it wasn't for Ryu.

"Hey, were gonna be together for 4 days in a row."

"Don't remind me."

"Your so grumpy."

"No shit."

"Aw~ Is it because your period?~"

"Maybe because were together for 4 days?"

"Well, yeah, I'm pretty annoyed by that too."

The teacher tells them to shut up. they both look straight and sit up.

"Yes ma'am!!"

They both say at the same time. Ryu takes out a paper. She writes on it.

"I hate you." she wrote.


It's monday, most people were really happy. Ryu and Aiden weren't apart of that most. Ryu was carrying a small luggage to the bus, aswell and Aiden. They both had to sit next to eachother on the bus. They were also in the backrow. The bus driver signals them to get in the bus. Ryu and Aiden get on first, i set my luggage down. I realize how tight of the space is because were on the back. Usually, the back of busses have basically half of the normal seats because of the emergency exit. Aiden notices aswell.

"The school loves us."

Aiden says in a sarcastic tone, Ryu nods just nod. She was too annoyed to speak. After everyone gets on the bus, its starts moving at a faster pace. Ryu looks out the window, it was very sunny. She knew it would be a long drive, probably an hour or more. She watched the kids play in the park, just waiting. Aiden watches too, he didn't know what else to do. He taps on Ryu.


She asks in an annoyed tone.

"Umm.. I don't know. I was bored."

30 minutes pass, Ryu has gotten sleepy. She was up at night yesterday worrying about what to bring. Aiden has noticed this, he looks at her. She was leaning her head on the window, falling asleep. Whenever the bus had a bump, she would wake up again and hurt her head. Aiden see's this and giggles. Ryu yawns.

"What are you laughing at?!"


"Rude much."

"Please, the amount of times you were bleeding because of me."

Ryu rolls her eyes, about to put her head back on the window. Aiden held onto her hand, she turns her head to him right away. She had a very confused look on her. With his free arm, he pats on his shoulder. Ryu was a bit surprised.

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now