☆ chapter 3

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"i hate you." she wrote.


It was around 3am, Ryu woke up. She couldn't sleep. Aiden was still asleep, cuddling onto his pillow. Ryu never saw this side of him. She smiles. Then, she realized she was smiling and stopped smiling right away. Ryu lays back down, trying to sleep. She couldn't sleep tho, the thought of sleeping with her enemy was such a big thing to her. She got annoyed by it, knowing that nothing would happen though. Aiden moved a bit. A soft and small moan came out of him. He sits up. Ryu pretends to be asleep.
He walks to the small fridge, getting a bottle of water. He sits back down on the bed, causing a bit of a bounce. Aiden checks if Ryu was awake because of that. Ryu was very well awake, Aiden didn't know though. As Aiden turns back facing the other way of Ryu, she opens one eye and peeks. Aiden was drinking the water, some
drops spilling.
Ryu yawns, trying to make it seem like she was waking up. Even though it was around 3:30 am now. Aiden notices.

"Why are you waking up?"

"The real question is why are you awake?"

"I'm just thirsty."

She rolls her eyes at him, sitting up aswell.

"What time is it?"

She says as if she doesn't know.

"Umm.. like.. 3:32"

"You're so specific."

"You asked me what time it is!"

It became silent, they avoided eye contact.

"Are you able to sleep?"

Ryu asks, trying to see if they can relate or not.


"Did you really wake up just for water?"

He looks away, smiling.

"Not exactly. I couldn't sleep."

"Me too."

"You just woke up though?"

"Well.. I was awake, just pretending to sleep."

He giggles a bit, smiling at me.

"I think we can't sleep because of well-- this."

He eyes how we're sleeping in the same bed.

"Yeah, probably. It's weird."

"Well-- what do we do now?"

"I don't know, watch something?"

She looks at him.

"Like a movie?"

"Why not? Let's at least have some fun."

She smiles.


Aiden takes out his laptop from his bag. He was about to place it on the middle of the bed, he realizes that it would be stupid. Ryu notices as well.

"We-- we have to get closer don't we?"

Ryu asks awkwardly. Aiden nods, they both scoot a bit closer to each other. They were really close, they were even touching. Aiden puts a blanket around both their backs, shoulders then follows to the rest of the body. He places his laptop in between them. Ryu was slightly blushing.

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now