☆ chapter 9

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"i hate you." she wrote.


Perspective back to normal.

"Aiden!! We're going home!!"

Aiden's mom shouts from downstairs.

"What.. Alreadyy?"

Ryu whines. They get downstairs. Their parents can see that they don't wanna leave each other yet. It was already super late too.

"We're so sorry for staying late!"

"No it's fine!"

Ryu's mom looks at us, she can see us sad that we already have to leave each other. She looks back at Aiden's parents.

"You know, Aiden can stay over the night if he wants. They were together for like 3 nights. Nothing would happen."

Aiden's eyes widened, he was really happy, so as Ryu.


Aiden gasps.

"We don't want to keep you such busy, Aiden's big trouble."

"Ma!! I'm not!!"

"Do you not remember when you threw--"

Aiden covers his mom's mouth. Ryu's mom laughs.

"Oh don't worry, Ryu is big trouble as well. Not much will happen!"

Ryu blushes. Aiden and Ryu were both blushing.

"Well, if you don't mind, of course he can."

"Thank you mama!!"

Aiden's dad smiles.

"Don't do anything crazy with her you know, I usually wouldn't say yes to sleepovers with a girl, but you guys have been basically living together for 3 days."

"What?! I wont!!"

Ryu's mom laughs.

"Okay, I guess Aiden already has all his school stuff with him because he went immediately to Ryu after school. Thank you ___! Have fun kids!"


It was already night, it may have been one of the funnest days for Aiden and Ryu.

"Okay, you're sleeping on that side."

Ryu keeps the boundaries.

"Really? We're still doing this?"

"I thought you would be uncomfortable."

"Please, I wouldn't be."

They both get into the bed, slowly getting closer to each other, then cuddling each other. Then asleep.


It was just a few minutes past midnight, Ryu's mom peeks in the room. She sees them cuddling in the bed and smiles.


Ryu slowly woke up, her mom still was peeking.


"d-dont move away.."

"okay okay"

He smiles as he hugs her tighter and closer.

"you know, we n-never did this on that school trip.."

"your so cute when your half-asleep."

"hey!! your inter..rupting me!!"

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now