☆ chapter 8

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"i hate you." she wrote.


The door bashes open, it was Ray and Noah.

"Stop kissing! We're here now!"

They both blush.

"We weren't kissing!"

"Are you okay?!"

Noah exclaimed. Ray was obviously jealous of what was happening between Ryu and Aiden.

"I'm good."

"Aiden was so depressed without you, he kept thinking it was his fault."

Ryu rolls her eyes.

"Thank you for saving Aiden. And if you guys are dating now, well-- thank you for keeping Aiden company."

They were both blushing a lot, they were actually dating now as well. They didn't know if they should tell them or not. Ryu grips onto Aiden's hand.

"We're not dating."

Ryu responds calmly. Aiden sighs of relief.


Later, Ray and Noah had to leave. Aiden's parents came aswell. Their parents had a big chat, that they decided to invite them to their home. Obviously it was agreed. Ryu was ready to go, and now they are already in the car.


This section is wrote in Ryu's perspective.

I'm so excited! I'm going home for the first time after.. yeah.. and Aiden's coming with me too! And, we're finally dating! Finally.. did I just say finally?! Did I never realize how much I loved him? Now I'm blushing. He's not in the car with me, but we are texting.

"i left u something in your room for when you would come back btw"

"what?! you were in my room? it
was so messy when i left it there... 😭"

"yeah i also saw your posters
and figures. your really cute. 💗"


"hey were almost here. wya?"

"same as us"

"i cant wait, ly"

"lyt 💗"

Aaaaaaa!! Have I never realized how nice he is? even from the start! I sigh, looking out the window. I realize we are parking now. Where's Aiden? Oh. Right there.

"Okay! We're home!"

My mom opens her door, running to Aiden's mom. I get out the car, closing the door behind me. My dad gets out as well, plus my dad closes my mom's door. I see Aiden coming out of his car. The parents reunite at the walk to the house. Moms were together, Dads were together. Then it was me and Aiden. He grips onto my hand as we follow them.

"Kids first!"

My mom says in a very happy tone.

"Let's go!!"

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now