☆ chapter 12

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"i hate you." she wrote.


Perspective back to normal.

She was ready for today. Ready to ask Aiden if it's possible if we tell more people about us dating. Really, Ryu was super sensitive about this. She thinks Aiden was doing that because of her. If he doesn't want to, it doesn't matter much. She thinks it's okay now. After all, it's been about a month since they started dating. Not much has happened over May and some of April, so now the time is at almost June. It was also almost summer break.
She ran to Aiden when she spotted him around the front of the school. He was probably waiting for Noah and Ray. Ryu jumps into a hug with Aiden, he giggles and hugs her back.


"Hey! You seem in a good mood today?"

"It's been.. like basically 2 months since we started dating."

He smiles back at her when she says this.

"I wasn't even counting, I was too distracted by you."

He kisses her forehead. Nobody really was paying much attention to them as if they were after the incident. But, there are still a lot of talks and rumours about them dating and stuff.

"Hey Aiden, can we tell some people we're dating? If you don't wanna-- it doesn't matter."

"Sure, I don't really mind much anymore. Why though?"

"It's hard to not brag about you.. And it's hard to keep secrets."

Aiden laughs.

"What, am I your award or medal?"

"Sure. Does Noah know?"

"I didn't tell anyone. Only Naomi, your mom and my mom know."

"What? Your mom?"

"Yeah I was surprised too, she called you my girlfriend so I think your mom told mine."

"Well, let's tell Noah then."

"What if Noami already told him?"

They talk as they walk inside the school.

"No way! Naomi is trustworthy!"

"Well.. I would tell my girlfriend if I was told a secret."

"Yeah because thats me and you!"


"What?! You guys are actually dating?!"

"Yeah, since like April. After.. you know."

Aiden mentions. Noah looks down a bit, then looks up. Does he know something about the incident?

"Wait. So you didn't tell me since April!?"

Aiden giggles.

"Like how you didn't tell me about you and Naomi for 2 months!"

"That's different!!"

"Naomi knows by the way."

"And you didn't tell me? Ryu, Aiden.. I thought we were best friends.."

He says in a dramatic tone.

"Naomi just found out because we forgot to end the call."

"Oh? What happened?"

Aiden and Ryu look at each other then blushes, they look away immediately. Naomi steps in the conversation.

"They were kissing!"

"i hate you." she wrote.Where stories live. Discover now