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You woke up a mess, but it's not as if you were looking at a mirror so you could see all your imperfections.

Your clothes were dusty from the bed, eyeliner ruined from your tears, which, what was left it just resembled the outline of your tear stains. So, anyone who saw knew you had been sobbing. And lastly, your hair was messy.

You felt disgusted with yourself as well, the feeling only made you want to crawl back in a cave so no one could see you in such a state.

To top it off, it's not as you woke up naturally, you were forcefully woken up by the sound of distorted giggling.

Ah, yes. The ghosts.

"Hehehehehehe... Hey! Aren't the two of you supposed to be out cleaning the school?"

As the ghosts teased you, Grim turned in his seat, it seemed that the ghosts were also succeeding in waking him up as well.

"Myrah... Five more minutes..."

However, the ghosts weren't done yet, as one of them said in a quiet, inside-voice tone, "Fine! Fine! Sleep the day away..." Before he raised his voice into Grim's ear with a grin, "You might never wake up again!"

Another ghost spoke into Grim's other ear, "Just like us! Hahahaha!"

This obviously jolted Grim awake, even the tips of his fur were fully standing up on edge. "Myrah!! The ghosts are back!" Grim quickly turned to you and proceeded to do his best to shake you, who had been staring at nothing and zoning out.

And all you had to do was spare some wise words,

"Huh—? What?"

"[name]! Get up and help me get rid of these things!" All the ghosts did to reply to that was grin tauntingly at you.

As the encounter between you, Grim, and the ghosts begun, all you did was lazily give out directions, it was too early for this bullshit. I mean seriously? Imagine the first thing you do after waking up was to fight literal ghosts.

As soon as the fight begun, it ended, with one of the ghosts circling around the two of you, "So! I heard you'll be living here from now on! Well, I hope you like pranks as much as we do!"

"A cool prank idea would be leaving us alone, we'd never see it coming." You sarcastically said, these ghosts seriously pissed you off, specially so early in the mornin.

"[name]," Grim whispered to you, "we seriously need to find a way to get rid of these ghosts for good."


A loud burst interrupted you, as Crowley easily kicked open the door, much to your dismay, however, he had two things with him, a small breakfast, and a stack of neatly tied clothes.

"Good morning, [name]! And Grim, I suppose.. Did you sleep well- Woah!" Upon seeing your state, Crowley awkwardly cleared his throat. "You certainly look.. worse for wear. But! Nonetheless, did you sleep well?"

Upon seeing Crowley, Grim immediately fired all his complaints, "Not at all! When I tried getting comfortable, the bed immediately fell through its frames! Me and [name] spent like an hour trying to fix it! How ramshackle is this dorm?! And to top it off, we were woken up by THESE GHOSTS!"

How energetic Grim was being, am I right?

Coughing to clear your throat, and ignoring Crowley's obvious acknowledgment of how you looked, you awkwardly said, "Uhm.. Yeah, I slept alright."

That was a lie, you slept horribly. But, you had to be "polite" and keep up formalities.

"Well, [name]! I'm glad to hear that. For someone who's been sent to another world, you're certainly adjusting quite well."

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