part 2

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TIme skip to lunch break
Y/n pov
its not as bad  as i though  i made  one friend her name is  jenny (hehe) she is so kind and nice
jenny:  you know Y/n those boys are our collage hearthrobs they donot talk to any outsider.
Y/n: but that one talked to me *shows Jimin*
jenny:  *gasp* Really
Y/n: yes really
jenny : ok let me introduce them *Shows them* thats Namjoon , jin ,suga ,hobi , ,and
Y/n: jimin
jenny: you know
Y/n : yes

while  they are talking , Y/n didnot notice that someone is staring at her which she dinot notice , it was Taehyung.
Seeing taehyung continously staring at her his friends coughed hard which thet are succesful for
namjoon: Tae whom are you staring at
jimin: oh that he got a crush on that girl *Shows them*
jin: she's looks good
suga: *looks* yeah she is good.
jk: Hyungie noona is beautiful
Taeehyung : *Blushes *
BTS(except taehyung): Oooooo.........

while BTS are talking she saw taehyung for the first time and yeah as expected she was amused
Y/n : jenny who is he?
jenny : oh he is taehyung the most handsome one in collage.
Y/n ofc *murmed*
jenny : did u say anthing
Y/n: no

y/n was looking at him when he also looke at her they both had a eye contact for good 30 seconds and broke i when the damm bell rang.
Jenny: Y/n lets go BTW which stream did u choose.
Y/n: Business what about you
jenny: oh i choose arts,  guess we meet after class. Byeee
Y/n: Byee

Taehyung pov
i was going to my class alone as all my friends choose different streams like namjoon and suga and  hyungs choose music and  hobi and jimin and jk choose dance while i am the only one to choose business while i was going to my class  i saw Y/n  should i introduce myself wouldn't it be akward argh.. anyways i will introduced myself

(he finally went  near her )

Y/n pov
while i was entering my class taehyung the  most handsome one in collage came near me
taehyung : hi myself taehyung , i guess we both are from same class
Y/n: hi myself Y/n nice to meet you , yeah we are
taehyung : oh if you are comfortable  can we go together
Y/n: yeah sure lets go
*The class finally started*
After 1 hr when the class is about to end

proffesor: guys there is a new project which u need to do in pairs, you are free to choose your partners and the sumbit on monday you get 2 days saturday &sunday  so  do it carefully *The bell rings*

Taehyung : Y/n can we-
Y/n: sure i was about to ask the same
taehyung : where  can we do it my house its sctually near only 5  mins  from collage
Y/n:  sure even my house is also very close from collage
Taehyung : perfect so can we start tmrw morning at my house
Y/n: yeah

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