part 4

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The collage ended and now they are walking to thier respective houses

Taehyung: so.... y/n are free today
y/n: yeah free
Taehyung : so can you hangout in my house
y/n: sure we can hangout but not in your house but in my house

In y/n's house
Taehyung: y/n your house is also vey beautiful

In y/n's house Taehyung: y/n your house is also vey beautiful

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her living room

her living room

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her kitchen

her bedroom

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her bedroom


*If you dont like any of these you can imagine on your own*

y/n: thankyou taehyung *smiles slightly*
taehyung(*in mind*): she is so cute when she smiles (he smiles thinking of her)
y/n(in mind): his smile is so cute
taehyung : y/n can we watch a movie
y/n: sure which one
taehyung: i dont know you decide

finally while watching they dozed off

timeskip to morning

taehyung: y/n i am going to my house lets meet in collage
y/n: ok byee
taehyung: byee

In collage

All the BTS members are talking together and they hear taehyung and y/n talking

taehyung:y/n thaks for yesterday
y/n: should actually apologize, you slept in uncomfortable clothes only
taehyung : no its fine
After hearing the conversation they couldn't understand anything so they decided to ask taehyung about it

taehyung comes
namjoon: tae what happened yestarday
taehyung: huh.. what happened nothing happened
hobi: no b/w you and y/n
taehyung:ah.. that as we are neighbours yesterday she invited me to her house and we dozed off while watching a movie, by the way how do you all know
suga: we heard your conversation
taehyung:oh.. isn't that bad
jimin: what can we do you were talking so loudly
jk comes while sipping his banana milk
jk: so what happened
jimin: your taete hyung slept in y/n's house
jk: *widens his already big doe eyes*
taehyung: not like that *slaps jimins hand playfully* we slept while watching a movie
jk:ah..say like that, so nothing happened
jin: why jk are you disappionted
jk:n-o,n-o hyung why would i be disappointed
jin:seems like that

the bell rings indicating the class start


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